Again, I wasn’t talking about you, I was talking about Harry Metcalfe & others of his ilk.
No-one said anything about ‘others’ in general; again, this thread is about Harry Metcalfe’s reviews & in those he’s criticising the Grenadier for things that people look for in general road-focused SUVs not in proper 4x4s.
To me a proper 4x4 is a vehicle that’s made for off-road use first & foremost. I use the term ‘proper’ as this was the original reason for the inception of 4x4 functionality & I’m simply not aware of an actual classification term to define these specific types of vehicles now that 4x4 capability is found on others types of cars that are built for a different purpose (I certainly don’t use it to insinuate anything derogatory about those other vehicles though). There’s a number of valid reasons for wanting a modern 4x4 over a true off-roader so there is no judgement, it’s just that we do need to make the distinction somehow as there is a difference.
To me an SUV is a road car first & foremost, made for people who want the benefits of the size etc of these types of vehicles (& also perhaps the off-road styling) but have little-to-no actual off-road needs. Some SUVs (like the new Defender) also have a good amount of off-road capability but this is not their primary design purpose. There’s a reason that old Defender owners get so outraged about them - some people have a utilitarian need for a 4x4 & don’t want to be driving a Chelsea tractor. This is the very reason that Jim Ratcliffe started this here venture in the first place is it not?
It is also worth highlighting that I’m British & the term ‘SUV’ means a specific thing over here. I believe that you’re American & that over there you guys use ‘SUV’ as a catch-all for pretty much anything that has 4 wheel drive? American English & ‘proper’ English are also two different things (I couldn’t resist using the word ‘proper’ again - I hope I made you laugh there

). Haha
& ‘purpose-built’ is not a marketing term - it’s a common phrase. The new Defender is also purpose-built (it's just a different purpose). I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here as well; perhaps you don’t have this phrase in American English?
Anyway, I’m going to bow out of this conversation now as it no longer feels productive. I’ve answered your questions as best I can & I hope that what I’ve said in regard to the actual topic of this thread has been of some help to those with a genuine interest in the Grenadier. I wish you all the best & hope you enjoy your vehicle of choice whatever that may be.