I ordered May 22 and signed Feb 23...You'll have this week and half of next to haggle...I am interstate from Tuesday...go and have a chat to Paul at Mazda and see if you can get a gut feeling from him on what he would predict...that is about all you can get at this stage...they really don't know until the car carriers give them an estimate of when they are picking them up and delivery...they were told maybe Monday or Tuesday...Go well and post a pic for me if you can cheers.
There are so many variables that impact on delivery these days.
Ineos seem to be doing weekly updates once the vehicle has gone into production.
Then it is up to the dealer to check and note these updates.
Randolf at Ignition told me that mine was at the port, but he was unable to tell me if it was about to be loaded, had been loaded, or what ship it was going to be on.
Possibly the next update within a week will change that but not if my vehicle hasn't been allocated to a particular ship yet.
Then you have the ship sailing time, depending on if coming via the Suez or Panama canals.
Suez it goes to Perth first
Panama it goes to New Zealand first.
Then delays to get into port
Inspection for bugs & disinfection.
Transport to dealer
Then accessory installation.
They said they were getting all accessories at least a week before the vehicles.
from memory I think he said they had a couple of spare transfer boxes.