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Americas Dealer default locations for US pre-order


Grenadier Owner
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9:32 PM
Dec 24, 2021
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West Virginia
Dang, the negativity amongst us Americans is incredible. How about less complaining about all of the things (price, location, travel time, inconveniences, politics, etc) and just be happy that we’re actually getting a pretty cool vehicle (soonish). Isn’t that what this forum is supposed to be about?

More cool Grenadier talk, less entitlement. Namaste.


Grenadier Owner
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8:32 PM
Feb 19, 2023
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Maybe all the cheap folks live in Texas and Arkansas as we thought prices should be in the $67,500 to $75,000 range for what was spec'd out and drive. ;)
During the test drive in Illinois, the instructor asked me about price expectations, I said ~$80k. He said it was in that range back then.
Local time
9:32 PM
Feb 27, 2023
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One of the best regarded Toyota aftermarket shops in Maryland is literally <5 miles from us). However, the shop that builds our vehicles and maintains them is in North Carolina (been their customer for years), door to door with no traffic and one stop is around 6hrs each way; while having my girlfriend's Tacoma re-geared last month I just rolled that upgrade into a 6 day visit to NC (2 days for gears + big brake kit to be installed, 2 days of driving around to do the 500mi break in, and 1 day of helping teach an off road class); then heading back home. In the winter when I don't feel like laying on a cold driveway to do an oil change, guess what? 12 hour round trip time!

Bottom line, if it's for something you want, dozen hour drives aren't that bad. Similar reason to why we are buying from the NC dealer, although the Philly dealer is literally 5 hours closer.
Sounds like what you're really saying is that you should relocate to NC!
Local time
9:32 PM
Sep 13, 2023
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Michigan, USA
It’s an aspirational vehicle.
Hate to say it, but the hopes of all the more economy focused depositors were dashed when pricing was announced.
I think everyone knows if they can afford $1500 (US) per Month for 7 years Or not.

Truthfully I wish they would retrieve their deposit, and drop out of the discussion, because it unnecessarily muddies the pre purchase environment.
”You or They” aren’t going to buy one anyway, so why keep chirping?

But that’s just me.
The direct competitors to the IG were always rare, premium (read very expensive for class) vehicles. That didn’t change. All three are lined right up where they always have been.


Grenadier Owner
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9:32 PM
Jan 7, 2023
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West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
I agree. Several other manufacturers started with less.

This. I am not sure how many there was to start but Hummer probably had around the same. 1st year it was Neiman Marcus lol. When GM bought the brand and added a few the number was 55 in 2002 I believe. It will take some time, but I am sure Ineos will get there. The reservation/order holders in the US are almost higher than the total number of Hummer's ever sold from 1992-2006


Grenadier Owner
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9:32 PM
Jan 7, 2023
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West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
My reason was because $450 was a small enough amount to pay to get a good spot in line and to give the process a chance to develop. And obviously from then to now, there hasn’t been anymore financial obligation, so why not let it play out some more. $450 gives you options and there’s nothing to loose at this point.

For those who are all in, good for them. I am not. Too many unknowns that have yet to be answered by Ineos/dealers. I’m sold on the truck. What I am not sold on (yet) is Ineos and dealer support and logistics. Things should become clearer for me after the dealer network is announced.
My thoughts exactly. I haven't had the chance to drive it let alone touch it yet. The $450 gives me a little reassurance that if I like it the truck is mine if I don't well, I had a chance to get a test drive it.

Plus when I reserved I didn't know where I would be in terms of needing a vehicle or not. I waited 10 months for my Defender and at the time had no idea if it was going to show up in 3 months or over a year. Or if it was come as ordered. It was also possible that the Grenadier could fall within a few months of landing in the US and I was keeping my options open. After 14 months of driving the Defender with 25k miles I do not need a new truck but could be easily swayed once I drive it.


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Local time
9:32 PM
Mar 12, 2023
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My thoughts exactly. I haven't had the chance to drive it let alone touch it yet. The $450 gives me a little reassurance that if I like it the truck is mine if I don't well, I had a chance to get a test drive it.
Hopefully you can drive it as early as next week! Or whenever they get their demo vehicles at RDS


Forum Donor
Local time
9:32 PM
May 18, 2023
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Generalized (not so broad) dealer locations have been available for months, and the pricing is the pricing. Lots has changed in the world since the very first "mentions" of a price were whispered.

I don't think many people made it through the pre-order phase who aren't quite intent on purchasing; if they were questionable about it, why go through with the pre-order?

The conversion rates from reservation to pre-order were pretty much on par with expectations, while the non-reservation pre-order numbers were higher than expected; taking those into consideration I'm pretty confident that any "drop off" at this point forward is either already accounted for or will only serve to help dealers move "in-stock" units to the masses when people start seeing Grenadiers on the road and go "what is that and where can I get one"

FWIW, and I know I've mentioned this before, but through the hundreds of people I had in my vehicles during the PTO2 tour and hundreds more I chatted with all over the country at events, the vast majority (75% or greater) were expecting a substantially higher price point than what was announced (myself included)
So true on pricing, people seem to complain alot on here about the price, I don't get it, it's literally half the price of a G wagon. I am surprised at the low price and so is my other family member who has a preorder. "What is that, where can I get one" is going to be huge, the initial dealers are going to make a ton of money.
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2:32 AM
Mar 28, 2022
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Westlake Village, CA, USA
Ineos announces 50 new US dealers - all will be located in Antarctica. An Ineos spokesperson commented that the decision 'Was in response to the need to make getting to a dealer the most frustrating experience we could'. Moreover 'No one wants to drive 2 miles from home to a dealer when you can make it an adventure.

In a related move, Sir Jim announces all new vehicles for Australia will be delivered to the new single Australia dealership located in Greenland.
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Grenadier Owner
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8:32 PM
Feb 23, 2023
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Fayetteville, AR, USA
Well, aren't you pleasant. I don't think Newsome earns a penny on any car sold. Get real.
Geez man, not sure many of us want to give Commiefornia any of our money. But if you guys are willing to overpay on products there, well, good for you.

I avoid that state at all costs and almost made it on my last excursion out west. Had to stop and go thru some checkpoint. Guy kept asking us what kind of fruit we bought till it got down to something he liked which he promptly took for his lunch!

$31.7 billion dollar deficit that your great Governor Newsome put you all in. ;)


Grenadier Owner
Local time
11:32 AM
Mar 18, 2022
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Toogoom, Fraser Coast Queensland
During the test drive in Illinois, the instructor asked me about price expectations, I said ~$80k. He said it was in that range back then.
That's a little bit like saying you asked the guy who was cleaning the cars at the car dealer
Nothing against the drivers at the demo but they aren't really in the loop on pricing discussions of new vehicle lines.
Hopefully their expertise is driving and instructing.
I have seen countless video's of driving days where the person says the wrong thing.
One of the US driving day video's the guy gets about half of what he says wrong.


Photo Contest Winner
Grenadier Owner
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6:32 PM
Sep 10, 2023
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Santa Barbara, California, USA
Geez man, not sure many of us want to give Commiefornia any of our money. But if you guys are willing to overpay on products there, well, good for you.

I avoid that state at all costs and almost made it on my last excursion out west. Had to stop and go thru some checkpoint. Guy kept asking us what kind of fruit we bought till it got down to something he liked which he promptly took for his lunch!

$31.7 billion dollar deficit that your great Governor Newsome put you all in. ;)
I see you live in Arkansas. 'Nuff said.....


Grenadier Owner
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Local time
8:32 PM
Feb 23, 2023
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Fayetteville, AR, USA
Sounds like a few here want to get down in the trough stereotyping states - pretty sad 'state' of affairs when there is so many other things to talk about....
I was surprised that the word "Commiefornia" was in the Wikipedia and the Urban dictionary. Seems to be a pretty common word I guess.
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