So the pre-order that they’ve been holding under 500 bucks for two years is just to move us to the front of the line? I was expecting some kind of first mover price break. I really think that they should’ve done reservation holder pricing at a half step to the full pricing for new orders. I think a lot of people would be more apt to buy in if they are new there was a $5000 or so buffer built in.
I frankly don’t want to take delivery of my IG in the middle of winter, that is the hardest part of the year on cars here. IG has given us no reason to complete our reservations when we can wait to see if they actually work out here and get either a 2024 or 2025.
Now, maybe, being a reservation holder, will protect us from dealer markup, but Ineos can’t guarantee that.
I frankly don’t want to take delivery of my IG in the middle of winter, that is the hardest part of the year on cars here. IG has given us no reason to complete our reservations when we can wait to see if they actually work out here and get either a 2024 or 2025.
Now, maybe, being a reservation holder, will protect us from dealer markup, but Ineos can’t guarantee that.