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Ineos forced to shut down production on supplier issue

Media starting to break that production of the IG is going to be paused until 2025 due to financial troubles at one of its suppliers.

The UK dealers were just told and mine told me today but I didn't post anything until I saw it starting to appear in the media. I cant see behind the paywall but I wonder if this is recaro?


Grenadier Owner
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5:24 AM
Mar 4, 2023
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
why be on a forum for a product if you think it has so many faults and will never own one
Speculating ... but maybe @AWo knows his stories are valued here, by many of us, so maybe sharing something of value simply feels good. 🤷‍♂️

This isn't some random Grenadier-hater who's never spent professional time on, in and under the vehicles and with key team members.

Dual Grenny Guy

Grenadier Owner
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7:24 AM
Jul 10, 2024
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Louisiana, USA
Speculating ... but maybe @AWo knows his stories are valued here, by many of us, so maybe sharing something of value simply feels good. 🤷‍♂️

This isn't some random Grenadier-hater who's never spent professional time on, in and under the vehicles and with key team members.
EXACTLY!! I love reading behind the scenes and developmental stories about almost anything (I am a history buff at heart); however, why all the hate? Someone that involved should be more positive in my opinion. Don’t you agree?

“This isn't some random Grenadier-hater who's never spent professional time on, in and under the vehicles and with key team members.”…….so I ask once more, why then all the negativity? Read past posts, yes some are helpful and insightful then they almost always turn the corner with the jab or insult about this issue or that. I have thought about this and now come to the believe he was a hired employee of Ineos who either was let go or they did not approve or agree with some of his ideas & now he is angry and posting negativity. You seem to champion him very much so AND are a Grenadier owner and champion as well. This is totally YOUR prerogative, but me calling him out for all the negativity on a positive pro Grenadier forum is mine. Heck, I have offered and still mean it and well absolutely hold true to an offer to meet up and have some drinks to debate/discuss this in person. No hard feelings at all on my end, this is just words on an anonymous internet board after all….BUT at the same time, I LOVE MY GRENNY’s.🤷‍♂️✌️😁
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Local time
2:24 PM
Feb 28, 2023
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Maybe Ineos didn’t take your advise on some of these things you discuss and now you are negative and upset with them. I
To make it short: no.

My heart lies somewhere else, I knew my very small role and I knew that other pay and decide. I was and I am fine with that.


Dual Grenny Guy

Grenadier Owner
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Local time
7:24 AM
Jul 10, 2024
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Louisiana, USA
To make it short: no.

My heart lies somewhere else, I knew my very small role and I knew that other pay and decide. I was and I am fine with that.

Well now I am confused as your previous LONG post explained in great detail how involved you were. How you were flying around with the top brass looking at designs and inferred, at least to me reading it, that you were a big part of the decision making, pricing, determining sales demographics, met with marketing people, had prototype test vehicles in your garage and Ineos techs came to you, etc etc. I don’t think, and maybe I am wrong, many members on this forum were invited to or attended the reveal at the famous pub with Sir. Jim. That’s a huge deal, to me at least. Now you say you only had a small roll. I’m definitely not as smart as you, so my tiny little brain can easily get confused. If I did all that you wrote l, I would say I had a major roll in this vehicle coming to fruition. Maybe you are humble, but to be honest I don’t get that from you via your posts. I just call things as I see them. Regardless, I have and will again thank you for any of your contributions to this vehicle that brings ME much joy & happiness. I am just a simple man who knows what he likes, and ME LIKEY THE GRENADIER no matter what the naysayers post about it………🤘✌️😁

I still have the right and obligation to my babies (my two Grenny’s 😉), to ask why all the negativity? Why not be pro Grenadier and want them to succeed and not post all the things they did wrong or things that don’t work like they should, etc etc? There is more to this story and it is only for you to tell if you want, and I have no issues if you don’t want to say what happened between you and them. That’s your personal decision. I will end with this. I have never and don’t plan on being on another auto forum, but I have to ask you, since your apparent love for Land Cruisers, are you a member of any LC forums & if so, do you post negative things about their issues given all your knowledge in the 4x4 world and please don’t tell me they don’t have any issues. Wow it’s 4am, I need to take my 2nd night time nap (I don’t sleep like most normal people) soon or I will be zombie ish in a few hours………🧟‍♂️

Dual Grenny Guy

Grenadier Owner
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Local time
7:24 AM
Jul 10, 2024
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Louisiana, USA
I have not been diagnosed with bi-polar, which that is a symptom of, I just have insomnia and a brain that just likes to consume and not rest much…..🤷‍♂️😵‍💫


Local time
2:24 PM
Feb 28, 2023
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How you were flying around with the top brass looking at designs and inferred, at least to me reading it, that you were a big part of the decision making, pricing, determining sales demographics, met with marketing people, had prototype test vehicles in your garage and Ineos techs came to you, etc etc. I
Read it again when you're calmed down. And do not interpret more into it as what I have written.

Local time
8:24 AM
Jan 12, 2024
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Georgia, USA
To me, it doesn’t make a difference how everyone loves or hates the car. I have followed this project from the beginning and am ready to pull the trigger, but to buy a car during a new company shutdown is stepping off a cliff. Where would you get parts, who could fix the computer issues if you had them, who will honor the warranty, and so on? How do the new dealers feel after ramping up, opening stores, and spending millions of their own cash?

IMO, the new body style LR Defender has no soul and Ineos has captured what we remember from yrs ago. I hope they make it and frankly Ineos should put out a statement, but they won’t until some back room decision is made.

Dual Grenny Guy

Grenadier Owner
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7:24 AM
Jul 10, 2024
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Louisiana, USA
I'll bet you take afternoon naps 😉
Ah refreshed and ready to meet the day head on….to answer that comment, it really depends on what’s planned for the day. Being old now plus retired and afternoon naps all kind of goes together like milk & cookies/Simon Pegg & Nick Frost/eggs & bacon/Sponge Bob & Patrick/fish & chips/Chewie & Han/pb&j/Kirk & Spock/well you get it I think……..but some days I actually have a full plate and I am up all day. Even those days though, I still sleep sporadically at night. During my active military days, we could be up for 48-72 plus hours (trust me that’s possible), and whenever we were R&R or on leave still slept the same way. What about yourself, sleep all thru the night?😴 if so you’re one of the lucky ones…..✌️ (I’ll get back to Grenny love on the next post I promise 😉)


Grenadier Owner
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Local time
7:24 AM
Mar 13, 2024
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Wisconsin, USA
Read it again when you're calmed down. And do not interpret more into it as what I have written.

@Dual Grenny Guy - here’s the thing. For every American manager on my team, I want one German. Americans will tend to blow smoke up my ass. Everything is great, until it isn’t, and by then it’s too late. Germans are angxty and paranoid and everything needs to be addressed now with urgency. Which explains Martin Luther and his s****y theology. It also means they are prepared for the worst, have run through all contingencies, and don’t drop the ball. So yes, I have to “set my face like flint,” to quote the good Book, for each meeting, and yes, there is a tendency for doom and gloom and I have to rally them forward, but dammit if they don’t get the job done and done well. I am DELIGHTED there is someone like @AWo here. A treasure trove of information, history and insight, who has no skin in the game and is pretty impartial. And he’s German. It is contrary to nature, genetics, and the laws of physics that govern the Universe to expect him not to look under every rock expecting to find the worst. That’s actually a good thing - there are haters out there who do it just because they are Yota fan boys or whatever. That’s not him. So I propose we have a virtual beer together, and offer a toast and good cheer. To mud, adventure, and getting back in (mostly) one piece. Prost!

Dual Grenny Guy

Grenadier Owner
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Local time
7:24 AM
Jul 10, 2024
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Louisiana, USA
Read it again when you're calmed down. And do not interpret more into it as what I have written.

So you didn’t answer any of my questions, but instead implied I am upset which is the EXACT opposite of how I feel and even what I specially wrote in many post. 🤦‍♂️
For a smart guy, you don’t seem to grasp what I am conveying. 🤷‍♂️

I will say it again and directly to you, I don’t know you personally at all other than what you have posted about & have no animosity towards you. I have called you smart and thanked you for your involvement in a vehicle that I cherish more than once. I have said I don’t get angry at anyone on an anonymous forum that have ZERO impact on my real life. However, the same right that gives you and others to come on here and bash and talk negatively on something that I love, gives me the exact same right to respond and defend that item. It’s not rocket science (thank God as I wouldn’t be able to understand any of it, but I am sure you could). I have also offered, and it’s no BS, to meet up and share drinks and discuss/debate the Grenny in person with you. How can someone be upset doing all that? But I am just smart enough to know what you are doing…… I’ll pivot back to some of my questions & again it’s your right not to answer, but would help me and maybe others to understand your posts:

1–where you ever fired by Ineos?
2–are YOU upset and need to calm down that they didn’t use all or some of your ideas?
3-are you a member of any Land Cruiser forums?
4-if yes to #3, then do you post negative comments on the LC issues/problems as well?

Auf Wiedersehen 😎
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