@Dual Grenny Guy - here’s the thing. For every American manager on my team, I want one German. Americans will tend to blow smoke up my ass. Everything is great, until it isn’t, and by then it’s too late. Germans are angxty and paranoid and everything needs to be addressed now with urgency. Which explains Martin Luther and his s****y theology. It also means they are prepared for the worst, have run through all contingencies, and don’t drop the ball. So yes, I have to “set my face like flint,” to quote the good Book, for each meeting, and yes, there is a tendency for doom and gloom and I have to rally them forward, but dammit if they don’t get the job done and done well. I am DELIGHTED there is someone like
@AWo here. A treasure trove of information, history and insight, who has no skin in the game and is pretty impartial. And he’s German. It is contrary to nature, genetics, and the laws of physics that govern the Universe to expect him not to look under every rock expecting to find the worst. That’s actually a good thing - there are haters out there who do it just because they are Yota fan boys or whatever. That’s not him. So I propose we have a virtual beer together, and offer a toast and good cheer. To mud, adventure, and getting back in (mostly) one piece. Prost!