I don’t know if this post will answer anyone’s questions, and I’m not a tech guy so please don’t ask me any of those type questions.
FINALLY finished the exterior of my 1st Grenadier build recently, so now on to the interior and this week it was the stereo. Like many have said it does seem lackluster to the ear. I don’t expect or want a coliseum concert in my ride, but I do enjoy a loud song every now and again. I only listed to classic rock (AC/DC, Led Z., Skynyrd, VH, ZZ, etc) so don’t need the boom boom stuff just like to hear the words/music louder at times if that makes sense. Anyway, this Grenadier did have the stereo upgrade which we all know now is just a mini JBL pre-amped box. My stereo place advised I could change the speakers but the factory ones are actually pretty good and they suggested to just add a nice JL audio 4 channel 400 watt amp to the factory speakers and then they would adjust the mini box, which was turned so high from the factory all I could hear was the booming. Weird how most say theirs were turned off and mine was set to high. Guessing someone at the dealership may have played around with mine. Anyway, after doing this, wow this thing now sounds AMAZING!! Before I would turn the radio up to 12 on some songs maybe 13 as didn’t want to hit the 14 max limit and still didn’t have that nice loud sound I wanted. Now I swear I can barely get to 8 on the volume before saying that’s it!! Best $1200 I’ve spent on a radio improvement in some time. If I blow a speaker, which I doubt will happen as I’ve been blasting it all day, I will post about having to get new speakers. I’ve seen some on here post they tore out everything and put in all new speakers, sound proofing etc etc. which I have absolutely no problem with (see my blue exterior Grenny pics you will see how much I have done to it), but I didn’t want a $5-10k radio. This works just perfectly. Now on to step 2 of the interior, the rear cargo storage system……