Ouch. Sounds like it was low speed which is fortunate. The front corners do seem a bit soft on the Grenadier. I have seen similar but lesser damage on our steel bumper equipped Australian vehicles including bending of the bolt-on Roo Bar. Possibly part of the crumple zone.
The cooler in the RH wing of RHD vehicles is an auxiliary engine cooler (radiator). The LH wing houses the transfer case oil cooler.
Coincidentally I followed the auxiliary cooler hoses on my vehicle last weekend in a 'if this gets damaged can I bypass it?' exercise. The cooler hoses are retained by spring clips. The hoses trace back to T joiners in the upper and lower main radiator hoses which puts the auxiliary cooler in parallel with the main radiator. It's some of the extra plumbing that makes that frontal engine area look like a bucket full of smashed crabs - junk everywhere

In a pinch I believe this cooler could be bypassed to get a vehicle out of trouble. I can't see any flow control devices, thermostats etc.
There would be an impact on cooling capacity due to the reduction of radiator surface area and we know the HVAC is sensitive to air in the cooling system so there will be secondary problems, but a bypass should at least get the vehicle to a better recovery location and might even get you home with close temperature monitoring.
You would need to replace any lost coolant or use demineralised water temporarily, plus do a cooling system bleed.