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Who regrets their decision?

Local time
10:25 PM
Feb 23, 2023
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SE Qld
I'm reading that most owners, despite some issues, are loving the vehicle.
But I'm interested to hear from those who have taken delivery and just aren't happy with the vehicle itself in general, leaving aside the software issues.


Grenadier Owner
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Local time
10:25 PM
Jan 11, 2023
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The wife and I are at loggerheads whether to continue with the purchase so trying to be pragmatic and keep emotion out of it. Contract is imminent.
How can you keep emotion out of it? The Grenadier is built on emotion as much as it is on purpose. Otherwise it would look like a LandCruiser.


Inch deep and a mile wide.
Grenadier Owner
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Local time
11:25 PM
Aug 24, 2022
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How can you keep emotion out of it? The Grenadier is built on emotion as much as it is on purpose. Otherwise it would look like a LandCruiser.
I always buy cars on emotion, it’s not necessarily a smart way to live life, but you only get one shot so enjoy it. With no emotion involved I wouldn’t be buying a Grenadier


Grenadier Owner
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Local time
2:25 PM
Mar 3, 2023
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Even I still don't understand this negative obsession... "Who gives up?", "Would you buy today?", "Have you regretted it?"... I had never seen such a presence of negative attitudes in a branded forum. How little it takes today to put together a dedicated little team of a pair of young influencer… Just a legitimate suspicion, given the times and hassles generated at some HQ…


Grenadier Owner
Local time
2:25 PM
Jun 5, 2023
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If it fits your purpose…then it’s a no-brainer and go for it. I’m convinced that the software issues will get resolved in the next couple of months and from what I’ve read here so far there aren’t many real “hardware“ issues. It’s a new product and it’ll have some niggles but it’s built like a tank and should outlast most people or their willingness to continue to drive a tank ;)


Grenadier Owner
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Local time
1:25 PM
Oct 24, 2022
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The wife and I are at loggerheads whether to continue with the purchase

Luckily we never have had this situation in our house. I wonder what are the specifics of the "loggerheads" situation? If it is the niggles in SW then it's not an issue - we all know that will be solved - even if it means a wait.

Before we bought one, we went to see it, sat in it, crawled all over it and discussed whether it fit our needs and, just as importantly, if it gave us the same buzz that all our Defenders had done. It did and continues to do so.

Am I just a little frustrated with the bings and bongs - of course - we all are. However I absolutely love the vehicle, and I have no current buyers remorse at all.

Cheshire cat

Grenadier Owner
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Local time
1:25 PM
May 30, 2022
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Cheshire, UK
I'm reading that most owners, despite some issues, are loving the vehicle.
But I'm interested to hear from those who have taken delivery and just aren't happy with the vehicle itself in general, leaving aside the software issues.
I would suspect that if you have any reservations, this may not be the vehicle for you. As a niche vehicle, it needs that passion in the purchase. It is not a vehicle that will suit everyone.


Grenadier Owner
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Local time
1:25 PM
Aug 4, 2022
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Kent, UK
I have an ongoing significant issue with the Air Con not working - which is a big thing when one of the main purposes of the vehicle was to ferry around 2 large dogs. But I am sure this will get resolved along with the other niggles. I don't regret buying the vehicle and was prepared to deal with early adopter issues. It is essentially a solid car and I'm hopeful given a few more months and a software update it will be an excellent car. And there's the fact that my configuration cost £65k but today would now cost £80k!

Cheshire cat

Grenadier Owner
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Local time
1:25 PM
May 30, 2022
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Cheshire, UK
The most embarrassing and upsetting issue for me as a lover of the vehicle, is the support from Ineos. They really do seem to be failing in the customer service and support departments. I am hopeful that things will improve but for those being owed money (myself included), incorrect orders, business use owners getting no accurate delivery dates, etc. It really isn’t good enough.
Thankfully my Grenadier is brilliant and I too am happy at being an early adopter.


Grenadier Owner
Local time
11:25 PM
Jul 26, 2023
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The wife and I are at loggerheads whether to continue with the purchase so trying to be pragmatic and keep emotion out of it. Contract is imminent.
More information? Who is actually arguing for the Grenadier?

if your wife is, then knuckle down and do as you’re told.

if she is against it, you may have to roll out all the sure things but put “The Grenadier makes me…” in front.

The Grenadier makes me realise you are more beautiful today than the day I married you.
The Grenadier makes me remember how much I appreciate you.

Get the drift?😀


Grenadier Owner
Local time
1:25 PM
Jul 27, 2022
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Grenadier Owner
Local time
1:25 PM
Dec 23, 2022
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I think the OP is looking for a consolidated list of 'common faults/defects' which there are a few. It is hard to gauge what concerns most people have as they are sporadically listed in several threads. Ill be reviewing the forums for common faults again about 1 week before my GREN is ready for inspection, so that I have a comprehensive list of common issues to check before it leaves the showroom floor. My Dealer is also pretty aware of the current fault list and will work them with me if they are present or require attention after delivery.
Local time
10:25 PM
Feb 23, 2023
Reaction score
SE Qld
Thanks for the replies. We're not looking for a list of common faults, already have those and no real show stoppers in there. It's more about hearing from owners who actually have the vehicle and whether they feel it is in fact 'fit for purpose', or not. Asking an owner what they think of a vehicle often invites praise so I've asked ' what is it you don't like? '

We're trying to keep emotion out of it because our priority is always first and foremost, ' ', not just capability but also reliability. Yes it’s a unique and very appealing vehicle but we also see it as a tool. We travel with a 18ft off-road van for around 6mths each year doing work with Frontier Services, mostly in remote areas, so it needs to be durable and reliable.

The recent stance of 'maintain radio silence' from Ineos and lack of info on promised manuals and service network doesn't bode well. Yes it may all resolve eventually but the comms are woeful, and 'if it walks like a duck...'. But, then we say to ourselves, would we expect anything different from the likes of Toyota or JLR… a hard NO of course. Were we naive to think it'd be any different?

Like most, the Grenadier appealed being initially marketed as a back to basics 4wd but the home run for us was being an auto. We're coming from a 76 wagon that's getting tired, like us, so an auto was high on the list. We looked at a 200 and the 300 but a little soft for my liking, probably wrong there.
It's a leap of faith to leave the Toyota brand but the new 4 cyl auto offerings were disappointing - no good for towing anyway. And not fixing the wheel track differences so they could retain the V8 ruled it out. We spent 10k on the 76 to fix it for towing. Involved a correction kit, radius arms etc just so it'd behave over 85 kph with the van on, otherwise, once you load up the rear axle they're directionally unstable and dart all over the place.

I want the Grenadier, the better half thinks a ‘boring!’ low ks 200 kitted out is the safer bet. The retorts range from "at least it won't leak!" or 'no need to carry jerries'. She knows too much. ;)
Last edited:

Cheshire cat

Grenadier Owner
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Local time
1:25 PM
May 30, 2022
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Cheshire, UK
Thanks for the replies. We're not looking for a list of common faults, already have those and no real show stoppers in there. It's more about hearing from owners who actually have the vehicle and whether they feel it is in fact 'fit for purpose', or not. Asking an owner what they think of a vehicle often invites praise so I've asked ' what is it you don't like? '

We're trying to keep emotion out of it because our priority is always first and foremost, ' ', not just capability but also reliability. Yes it’s a unique and very appealing vehicle but we also see it as a tool. We travel with a 18ft off-road van for around 6mths each year doing work with Frontier Services, mostly in remote areas, so it needs to be durable and reliable.

The recent stance of 'maintain radio silence' from Ineos and lack of info on promised manuals and service network doesn't bode well. Yes it may all resolve eventually but the comms are woeful, and 'if it walks like a duck...'. But, then we say to ourselves, would we expect anything different from the likes of Toyota or JLR… a hard NO of course. Were we naive to think it'd be any different?

Like most, the Grenadier appealed being initially marketed as a back to basics 4wd but the home run for us was being an auto. We're coming from a 76 wagon that's getting tired, like us, so an auto was high on the list. We looked at a 200 and the 300 but a little soft for my liking, probably wrong there.
It's a leap of faith to leave the Toyota brand but the new 4 cyl auto offerings were disappointing - no good for towing anyway. And not fixing the wheel track differences so they could retain the V8 ruled it out. We spent 10k on the 76 to fix it for towing. Involved a correction kit, radius arms etc just so it'd behave over 85 kph with the van on, otherwise, once you load up the rear axle they're directionally unstable and dart all over the place.

I want the Grenadier, the better half thinks a ‘boring!’ low ks 200 kitted out is the safer bet. The retorts range from "at least it won't leak!" or 'no need to carry jerries'. She knows too much. ;)
Only had my Grenadier for about three months and like 99% on here, my only inconvenience are the false warning alarms. Logsplitter has put absolute faith in his vehicle by shipping it to Africa for the trip of a lifetime. This, despite the extra issues he has had to deal with. Like him, I am happy to place my complete faith in the long term reliability of this vehicle.


Grenadier Owner
Local time
1:25 PM
May 30, 2023
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West Sussex
I just love my car. It is a great design and well thought out. It has a few teething problems re warning lights randomly coming on but that is call character!!!!!!! Hopefully the glitches will soon be sorted out but I do not regret buying the IG. I am soon of on a 1200 mile trip around the British Isles and am looking forward to driving it around the NC500 route.
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