@Shaky, FAITH? I only believe what I see. Even if 1000 people get their Grenadier, I will only believe that Ineos is a car builder when I see a Grenadier at my house.
- and, nobody is allowed to park his Grenadier in my street
, this is - for the time being - forbidden!. Until I get mine. 
Concerning the transfer case:
- some transfer cases are heating up in an abnormal way (I don't know more than that).
- Ineos technicians are driving the car in low gear during about 18 km (29 miles), that's the distance that was incremented on my ODO meter since the delivery. My dealer told me my transfer case is OK.
- @Ever Pragmatic : I hope the test is successful, otherwise indeed, ... another waiting time .
, fingers crossed 
My dealer is NOT proactive in communicating stuff to me, but I have luck, due to my job I drive by usually more than one time per week at some 100 m from his door, and sometimes he tells me "something" or I discover "something". That's why I jump in so often. This week no assignments yet in his neighborhood, because I planned vacation, but I already accepted a work assignment on Wednesday at another location. I hope he (the dealer) calls me tomorrow, but I am already hoping this every day since two months.