Honeywell used to quote ridiculous lead times and prices for delivery to Australia.Just for the record , the early adoption $ saving pays for the de-lay
Reserved 14.10.21, Ordered 18.5.22
Contract signed 14.3.23
Found out in May car was actually built January and in "batch and hold"
Phone call to say car would be "here" end of July 23
99.7% funds transferred 31.8.23,
Phone call to say pickup car Sept 7. Insurance paid, lump sum.
Phone call to say error code on test drive Sept 7
Saw car in person Sept 8; told about leak into glovebox , "drain issue"
Today is Sept 29.
Called agent : "awaiting sunroof drains." No ETA.
Quicker for me to fly to Europe and pick up some drains? Farken!
I recall back in Launceston in 1990 Comalco Bell Bay needed a Honeywell Purple Peeper for a breakdown.
Honeywell Australia quoted 20 weeks delivery
A Comalco employee flew first class to Houston, purchased 2 off a Honeywell distributor, over the counter cash sale, for less than 1 in Australia.
He flew straight back.
Only sleep he had was on the plane which was the reason they flew him first class.
Took him 3 days round trip from memory