My odometer won't hit a thousand miles till late tomorrow morning so I'm still in a steep learning mode trying to figure out the best workarounds for ADAS and other screen controlled default settings while I wait for the software update to materialize.
Everytime I start my vehicle I go through what I call a preflight checklist of roughly six or seven steps. The two most important steps are (1) Turn of ADAS, and (2) Re-enable AEB after ADAS is disabled.
Whether this is a good choice, it's the choice I've made because (1) the only "safety" feature that strikes me as probably worthwhile is AEB and (2) because I go crazy if that red blinking warning about AEB is obscuring the bottom left of my dash screen.
My problem is that something like half the time (almost alway by day so far, haven't done much night driving), I go through these steps and the AEB stops being enabled within 30 to 60 seconds of being turned back on. The dealer sort of hinted that the AEB is very sensitive to data coming in from the wind screen camera but I haven't worked out what specific factors (like being too close to my garage door) might be causing the AEB to fail.
If anyone out there who follows the same routine I do (ADAD off, AEB back on) has any experiences to report, including especially tips on how to reduce or eliminate these AEB failures, I would be most grateful.