Picked up a Gren last week from Endeavour Automotive in Chiswick. DG Petrol, station wagon loaded with all options

So far have only launched boats, family uber (droping kids at thier proms etc) and a couple of city visits so just getting used to its foibles in a large environment.
Impressions much the same as many (predominantly based around reasoned superlatives). However my half penny’s worth.
5 main observations:
(1) steering takes only a little time to adapt to, and I am using at the mo in london streets (yes, I know not it’s natural habitat), you learn quickly to put the power down after the manoeuvre rather than midway through

(2) the ‘footrest’, yes it is an issue for a long legged 6ft 2 fat northern bloke, but ultimately will live with
(3) towing/launching. Crikey this is a surprisingly good vehicle given its specs. FYI Current launch/tow is a 2005 disco (tight turn radius (necessary on Thames slips in town), variable height, air suspension to make trailer loading easy, 1/2 split doors to stand on in v deep water/steep slips

etc etc. The IG is different but equally as good. It betters the disco due to its height/pulling power It’s turning radius is no hinderance (I was nervous of this), ride is very stable given springs, the reversing camera is very well placed to target the tow hitch precisely, and the split door great for limited access, as is the ladder to avoid ‘feet wet syndrome’.
(4) safari windows, I thought a gimmick, but actually work really well, and no sunburn yet

, suspect gives the modern ‘desert rats’ an alternative shooting position

(5) I’m not an off-road nut, but the Gren has the power to get me interested in seeking out its limitations as oozes capability.
And finally a shout to Nouman @ Endeavour. The agent model clearly needs to be improved from Ineos side, but compared to the ‘slippery’ landrover sales team I experienced @ a well known london dealer, it is refreshing to deal with a non salesmen led simple pickup & play service from a dealer who kept us in the loop despite the very poor IG UX.