Second crack in the windshield. It looks like a minor nick in the lower black seal area centered above the idiot lights of the dash. I mean, pinhead sized pit. tiny.
These windshields are recall level garbage.
Yea, I know its flat, but I have 350k on a 96 G, 2 fj 40's, multiple 60's farm pickups, 2 fj60's, an fj55, and isuzu troopers. I have been driving insane amounts of miles in my life in bricks, and some of it at retardo speeds in third world countries, and outside of an f350 that fell victim to a hate crime in '17, I have never replaced a windshield. The G looks like I drive thru sandstorms in the late winter evenings. In 3k miles, two cracks with a Gren. As one person, it's anecdotal... with 7 figure miles under my belt, I'm a breathing test case. These windshields are low bid garbage bull SHIT.
I do have glass protection.
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