It is unusual for Chinese to travel for holidays at the best of times.
They get Chinese new year off but typically that is spent with family
Yes and no. European-length vacations from work seems unknown in China. But China has two "golden weeks". Chinese New Year and also Mid-Autumn Festival. Even during the Covid times, 600 or 700 million Chinese pack their bags and enjoy extended travel for a week. (It's a huge country so it's a rare chance for distant family visits or just uninterrupted domestic tourism.) Flights and hotels and any reservations are a shitshow. By comparison, about 100 million Americans travel during the Christmas holidays.
More roadtripping going on in China than ever. Growing middle class, ability and appetite for travel, etc. Maybe overlanding, not sure. I saw a couple of relatively new line of RVs imported to Canada recently with Chinese manufacturing connections. Probably Black Series, and another one. I bet you see some of this in Australia. ?