How much time do you think it takes to install a roof rack or cross bars and fender plates!
Are you taking about to estimate labor rates to determine if you’re being charged fairly, or if you were to try and install them yourself?
For dealer, they should have something from IG that states install time and directions for each accessory. The dealer will probably use that multiplied by their hourly rate, regardless of whether it actually takes that much time.
I’ll add a caveat for this next part, and say I don’t have my Grenadier but I‘ve done lots of mods and installations of different farkles on my trucks and motorcycles over the years and that I’m not a complete noob. I actually like doing my own installs because I know it’ll get done right and I’m not under shop pressure to get the job done and out the door within a specified time frame.
If you’re talking about installing yourself, that’s gonna depend on your skill level with tools and putting stuff together. For the rack you’re gonna need at least one other person to help lift it on the roof. Adam’s suggestion of bribing a friend with beer is a great idea

…although I’d buy something better than bud light

. My guess is that the OEM rack will take between 2-4hrs.
The checker plates, from my understanding from the dealer, is that it comes with a template for drilling the holes, which is going to be the most stressful part IMO. But assuming you have a cordless drill, some metal drill bits, a rivet tool and good attention to detail, you’d be able to knock it out in 1 1/2- 2 1/2hrs. Generally once you do the first side, the second side takes much less time to do.