To make all this worse in my experience, the darn thing is "remembering the off setting" sometimes between key cycles. I drove it two days ago and turned the speed alert off, let it sit over Christmas at least 36hrs locked up in the driveway, and this morning got in, went to change the setting to "off" so I could tolerate driving the thing and it was already "off". Wonder if it is because I only clicked the key fob lock once, opened passenger door first, parked facing north, used e-brake? And to add further aggravation of the Ineos trademark "clicking" today, two weeks into ownership and use, it has decided to "click" one time each time I make a turn over say 80degrees or so. LOL - I took video to add to the dealer repair list when I take it in. I do love the truck, but this electronic stuff is making it unlivable. SOMEONE PLEASE, PLEASE find the wire to cut !!!!