I gave mine it’s first proper wash today since owning it. It’s had a couple of hosedowns to get mud etc off but I’ve not given it a decent tub.
Some observations:
It now looks a little whiter than cream - happy with that.
I’m also looking forward to not having dirt coloured pants around the calves for a little while.
What kind of hell did the designers envisage when they designed this thing? Washing it is hard work - so many cracks and crevices and ladders and external hinges and L tracks and spare wheels etc to work around. How did you ex defender guys do it and stay positive?
perhaps this was the least of your problems.
With my dodgey knee and not having access to a step ladder, I had no chance of cleaning the middle of roof or the middle of the windscreen. The windscreen is full of old bug carcasses so I’ll need to deal with that properly soon and then give it a dose of RainX.
The wheels have a lot more brake dust that the cruiser used to have. The X3 is the same so it must be a Euro car thing.
Anyway, that’s enough whinging. I suppose I should just go out and get it dirty again so I can get better with more practice.