If anyone wants to understand how little India can do, look through your states dealer franchise laws. Most states look like this:
-Ineos cannot sell directly to consumers and must use franchised dealers
-Ineos may not own any share of a dealership or have any legal control of a dealer
-Ineos may not tell dealers how much to sell for or who to sell for
-Ineos cannot even set up a program that directly reaches out to customers and sets prices (see CarebyVolvo suits)
-Ineos may not retaliate against a dealer who upsets them via altering allocations, pricing, etc
-Ineos may not alter allocations without sound business reasoning (ie. Dealers can take you to court over allocations)
-Ineos may not revoke the franchise sort of outright felonies committed by dealership management, and even then, they can sell before the hammer drops
-Ineos cannot interfere with the sale of the dealership franchise to another party
The laws vary state to state, but are generally stacked on the dealer side