I am surprised and disappointed that your agent didn't deal with it.Dave,
After my inspection I raised the issues of rubber steering boot and incorrectly fixed roof strips with the agent who indicated that Ineos are normally very good at responding. The response I got from the agent was that all the vehicles they had were like that. That might be the case but doesn't make it right. I then raised the issue with Ineos's customer service department who have been wonderful and polite. The result of multiple phone calls is always the same. A heart felt apology saying they had escalated the issue and are awaiting a response. I am patiently waiting this response while the car sits on the dealership floor.
These are not big issues, and in fact I could probably fix them myself. However, with a new car I don't believe I shouldn't have to do this. I have harbored concerns about Ineos Automotives ability to support their cars for some time and unfortunately these concerns have proved to be justified in my case. I am heartened to hear you have had a better experience.
My other concern is that Ineos have promised to make parts and workshop manuals available to owners. With Ineos's limited support network I see the provision of this documentation as critical to the ownership experience as I will not always have access to approved Ineos agents when using this vehicle as our 'Grey Nomad Truck'. If Ineos walk back from this commitment then in my opinion the vehicle might be 'Built On Purpose' but I would argue it is not fit for purpose.
I currently own a 33 year old ex-military Land Rover Perentie and although the driving experience can be described as 'raw' the old girl can be relied on no matter how far off the beaten track I get. It doesn't often break down but when it does at least I am able to either fix it myself or get it repaired at most mechanics I find. I was hoping that would be the case with the Grenadier. Without the workshop manuals I do not see how this is the case. Until such time as these are available I don't feel comfortable taking the car too far off the beaten track.
That is their job not yours.
If all of their vehicles are the same then they can organise a fix for all of them at the same time rather than a number of owners contacting Ineos independently.
When mine is ready for me to collect it I will expect the dealer to have it sorted or good answers for anything that isn't sorted.
They are being paid for pre delivery inspection and vehicle prep.
They now need to earn that money.
If they are not prepared to do that then don't take on the agency.
No matter who is ultimately at fault the dealer is the person you are relying on to deliver and handover your vehicle.
I have been in sales of technical products since 1987 and i would never leave my customer hanging out to dry if there was a problem with a product I had supplied to them.