Something else to keep in mind regarding the steering when new. The kingpin pivots can be "stiff" from the factory. As you get a few thousand miles on the vehicle they will loosen up and the steering will feel much more precise. They same thing often happens with Jeeps when the ball joints are replaced. The new joints are stiff to start and the Jeep will feel like it is wandering all over. After the joints settle in that sensation goes away. I know this from experience when replacing the ball joints on my Jeep. I suspect the kingpin pivots on the Grenadier are similarly tight to start and it is why some owners report much better steering after a few thousand miles have accrued. Think of it like a new bearing that has really robust seals. These seals often cause drag in the bearing to start but as the bearing runs in the seal drag is greatly reduced and the bearing then spins freely. It is this initial drag that contributes to the wandering sensation in the steering. This is not the entire reason for the imprecise feeling, but almost certainly a contributing factor.