So when we took our Test Drive right before 4th of July, the Salesman told us "We're expecting a Software Update to fix/update/cover a few areas, including the Speed Warning etc. - any day now. We were actually expecting it tomorrow (4th of July) but they told us it would be a few more days ..." Obviously , has not happened. Everyone seems to have stories of their salespeople / Dealership saying "An Update Is Coming..."
Having said that- I can't remember if I posted this or not on here- and look, I am not saying I am RIGHT , simply passing on what my Dad read (on what I believe to be a Grenadier FB group but he's up on all that stuff, so it could have been elsewhere...) - but someone posted something along the lines of, "I just got off the phone with an actual Ineos 'Tech Support' Engineer , I had to research and talk to a ton of people before I got the Phone # - and he was very nice but very firm - There ain't no "Update" coming - everything was done for very specific reasons, both for operating information & to confirm to laws/rules/regulations/etc. - The Speed Warning thing is not getting Permanently Disabled, and the Dealers know it. We {Ineos} suspect that everyone is just being Car Salespeople - say what you need to say, sell the car, and deal with it later... " - Now does that mean there could not be Updates for technical or support purposes? Of course not. Nor does it mean it's the truth ... I've had people tell me completely contradictory or false info about all sorts of stuff before , so there is no reason to think this couldn't be the same. But the gist was, at least that, it ain't getting "Updated" ... you want it off, you gotta turn it off each time. Same with Auto-Start-Stop. Thankfully that's a pretty easy button to tap. But at this point, none of us are certain that they'll even keep producing vehicles, so maybe they simply don't care. Or bigger fish to fry.
I'm not saying, I'm just saying...