Ok, I know people are going to call me 'crazy' but I'm going to throw this out and if the crazy fits, so be it. I think I'm a victim of mass hysteria.
Not always, but more often than not, I get a loud-ish sort of whiny sound that I associated with the PS pump. After all, everyone has a case of the loud PS pump, right? The sound kind of reminds me of the vacuum at the car wash. The sound emanates from directly behind the passenger side headlight (LHD) which is where the PS pump is located. So far, so good. Everyone has it, so what...
Ok, here is the crazy part, in my case I'm pretty sure it isn't the PS pump. However, because there is SO MUCH TALK about PS pump sounds, I just assumed my noise, given its location, was the PS pump. But, when I turn off the AC compressor, the sound goes away. Turn the AC back on and the sound returns. How could that be, the two systems are not related. I now believe what I thought was the PS pump, is actually the electric fan attached to the back of the small radiator below the PS pump.
I'm not saying that PS pumps don't make noise. I'm just saying, I assumed my sound was PS pump noise and it isn't. I may be a lone dolt but there may be others out there laboring under the same misconception.