I am not trying to be argumentative I promise as I actually agree that if you placed and order and are waiting on that item with no updates after a week, I would be trying to make contact as well. So I have to ask the people reading this thread, I keep reading about no responses to emails, but has anyone called the business? I have had long wait times on several orders placed even with my favorite companies (ExpeditionHQ, Agile, yes Owl too, etc) and when I don’t get any update by a weeks time or any emailed response, I always call and get my answer (yep even call internationally, called EHQ 3 times). Most of the times the number one thing I hear from the company is that they are so busy with orders that it’s hard to keep up with daily emails, so they are behind on emails but concentrating on personnel getting orders out. Yes they could hire more employees, and maybe they will eventually and this could all be growing pains. Even though that sucks, it’s actually good news to me as shows many Grenadier owners out there. Anyway, hope you and everyone else who are waiting on packages get them sooner more than later.