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Might Ineos partner with BMW to increase dealerships/service centers?

Local time
6:29 AM
Sep 5, 2024
Reaction score
Rhode Island, USA
But, you didn’t point out where he’s wrong. It would more helpful to dissect the message than the messenger. Can you do that for us?
I feel as though I am beating a dead horse here.
His entire last paragraph is a simplistic assessment of an incredibly complex issue with a damning summation that is anything but fair.
To quote:

“…Source:I was a BMW Tech, I have the equipment at home. This is basically a BMW that Ineos went and screws with.
They should have done what Toyota did, re jigged the GUI and left what BMW has debugged alone. Now we have two systems that don’t play all that well together and some junior Software designer at Ineos who tried to re invent something that 100’s of millions of dollars and debugging have already been done too. It’s a complete disaster.”

I see this as nothing but another attempt to smear Ineos. He has been quite vocal about his displeasure with many of the features he has discovered about his Grenadier. Features that most people are aware of after watching a video review or two about the vehicle. Features that I suspect will be addressed with future software updates. Features that existed when he purchased the vehicle, from a dealer a long way from where he lived and implemented by a fledgling auto manufacturer who is just breaking into a new market. Features that every single Grenadier owner in this market has to live with.

I’d have a lot more respect for him if he simply acknowledged that he possibly made a bad decision when he purchased his Grenadier. I’ve seen a few used Grenadiers for sale so obviously he wouldn’t be the first. Then too, he is quick to label anyone who doesn’t agree with him as a “fanboy” or worse suggest that they somehow are not that bright. That is just childish.

Don’t get me wrong, I actually do have sympathy for his frustration. I have owned no fewer than 10 new vehicles in the past 19 years and most of them have had issues from the moment they came home. Some of those issues were maddening to live with too! The nature of modern automobiles to rely on software so heavily means that all new designs have software bugs. Even my current 2022 F-150 King Ranch gets over the air software updates regularly and although it is a vehicle of huge importance to Ford that is made in huge numbers, it has some incredibly annoying traits. What I’m trying to say is that even Ford gets these things wrong. They eventually get the problems worked out but in the mean time you live with whatever issue is presenting.
So, I repeat, I get the fact that he is frustrated. I simply detest his regular and amateurish attempts at smearing the company. I don’t believe that he has any real understanding of the challenges except from his own perspective. I wish he’d stop trying to suggest otherwise.
I have said more than enough on this now and I promise to bite my tongue in the future…

Dual Grenny Guy

Grenadier Owner
Lifetime Supporter
Local time
5:29 AM
Jul 10, 2024
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Louisiana, USA
I love how everyone resorts to roll over quit, sell it, loose your money give up go away. So here’s the deal with all of the folks here who are emotionally attached to a truck. I don’t get emotional. I don’t roll over, loose my shirt, and sell my problem child down the road to some poor sucker. Let me clear this up for everyone here. I like the truck, I don’t like its problems. If you don’t like my views on the vehicle. Don’t read what I have to say. It’s that simple. I don’t get emotional about a truck. I call it the way it is. If it hurts your feelings to read about the problems with a truck, ask yourself why. It’s a truck it has no feelings, it doesn’t care. I’m not going to loose 30k to make those of you on here who get upset that I call out the problems I have. It’s a public forum. And people have a right to know the problems the vehicle has. How you feel about that is really kind of silly. Here it is, I’m dealing with it. I have a loaner, the dealer has my truck. Ineos and the dealer are well aware of the issues. And it’s well documented. So while many of you are happy to feel like it’s a good truck. I’ll work to actually get its problems solved. And maybe it will benefit all of the folks on here who get emotional over a truck. And get upset when someone calls a spade a spade. Next time you’re in traffic on an incline and you almost roll in to a vehicle behind you because the vehicle manufacturer forgot to install a module. You can re think your emotions.

So if you don’t like me, frankly that’s pretty pointless. You don’t know me. You’ve decided I’m “emotional” because I call it the way it is. I’m sorry if my to the point, no fluff straight up forward was causes you emotional distress. I don’t play the keep everyone happy game. I don’t care to be told to eat my Cheerios or to suck it up and accept poor workmanship and poor customer service. It’s completely unnecessary in this day and age.

So there it is, you don’t like what I have to say. That’s on you.
So you DON’T get emotional? Have you read your own posts? 🤷‍♂️🙄

I have nothing against you personally and you are right, I don’t know you. However, I can only form an opinion about you from your posts on here and you know how negative you are. I am a VERY upbeat positive person and takes a lot to get me upset, but seeing how you are so disappointed in your purchase I just can’t fathom why you don’t move on and get rid of the Grenadier? Why subject yourself to continued misery? If you check I have never downvoted you, actually never downvoted anyone on here. I will read your posts, yes my decision to do so, and if I don’t agree I will react. Like I have stated before, the same rights that give you the freedom to post all the negativity on here, give's me that same freedom to post positivity. I truly am sorry you are having such a hard time, but I have not experienced anything you have. So someone on the fence about buying one of these vehicles may read your posts and decide it’s a bad purchase. So here I am to say I feel the exact opposite so much so I bought TWO of them and plan on a THIRD once the Quartermaster hits the states. That should say all you need to know about how I feel about these WONDERFUL vehicles!!!! It’s like you come onto the forum to find threads that you can post again and again on your same issues. I promise you, us regulars on the forums are all aware of your issues and how you feel about Grenadier. I am actually starting to wonder if you really own one or just being paid by the competition or other entities to sh#% post about this vehicle. 🤷‍♂️🤔


Grenadier Owner
Local time
7:29 AM
Apr 24, 2024
Reaction score
Prince Edward Island, Canada
So you DON’T get emotional? Have you read your own posts? 🤷‍♂️🙄

I have nothing against you personally and you are right, I don’t know you. However, I can only form an opinion about you from your posts on here and you know how negative you are. I am a VERY upbeat positive person and takes a lot to get me upset, but seeing how you are so disappointed in your purchase I just can’t fathom why you don’t move on and get rid of the Grenadier? Why subject yourself to continued misery? If you check I have never downvoted you, actually never downvoted anyone on here. I will read your posts, yes my decision to do so, and if I don’t agree I will react. Like I have stated before, the same rights that give you the freedom to post all the negativity on here, give's me that same freedom to post positivity. I truly am sorry you are having such a hard time, but I have not experienced anything you have. So someone on the fence about buying one of these vehicles may read your posts and decide it’s a bad purchase. So here I am to say I feel the exact opposite so much so I bought TWO of them and plan on a THIRD once the Quartermaster hits the states. That should say all you need to know about how I feel about these WONDERFUL vehicles!!!! It’s like you come onto the forum to find threads that you can post again and again on your same issues. I promise you, us regulars on the forums are all aware of your issues and how you feel about Grenadier. I am actually starting to wonder if you really own one or just being paid by the competition or other entities to sh#% post about this vehicle. 🤷‍♂️🤔
There it is my dude, company name and all. Again you mistake dissatisfaction with an emotion. And again there you go on the get rid of it. That sir is total bunk. So really stop implying emotion where there is none. I’m happy you’re happy with your vehicles. Mine has been and continues to be a complete and utter pain in the ass. You being excited about it doesn’t change facts my dude. Grow up, stop telling people having a hard time to just sell and move on. That’s pointless and frankly callus advices. It’s obvious you’re wealthy. Owning
3 100k vehicles means you have a garage full of toys. I’m happy for you my man you’ve got cash to burn. Some of us have businesses to run. So I don’t care that you want me to sell my truck. Not happening big guy. So enough! I don’t care if you want me to sell it, and I don’t care for your sunshine and lollipops attitude. I’ll get it sorted. You keep on living the big life my man.


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Dual Grenny Guy

Grenadier Owner
Lifetime Supporter
Local time
5:29 AM
Jul 10, 2024
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
There it is my dude, company name and all. Again you mistake dissatisfaction with an emotion. And again there you go on the get rid of it. That sir is total bunk. So really stop implying emotion where there is none. I’m happy you’re happy with your vehicles. Mine has been and continues to be a complete and utter pain in the ass. You being excited about it doesn’t change facts my dude. Grow up, stop telling people having a hard time to just sell and move on. That’s pointless and frankly callus advices. It’s obvious you’re wealthy. Owning
3 100k vehicles means you have a garage full of toys. I’m happy for you my man you’ve got cash to burn. Some of us have businesses to run. So I don’t care that you want me to sell my truck. Not happening big guy. So enough! I don’t care if you want me to sell it, and I don’t care for your sunshine and lollipops attitude. I’ll get it sorted. You keep on living the big life my man.
Hahahahaha, not laughing at you, I’m laughing at all the “Dudes”, not even joking that this past weekend I had to ask my oldest son why he keeps calling his dad “Dude” all the time, and here in a forum someone else doing the same thing. Trust me been called worse and it’s all good. So what kind of business do you own? You don’t have to say if you don’t want to.

Yes I am retired and have done well for myself later in life, but I grew up literally DIRT POOR moving from home to home as my mom could not keep up with the rent raising 3 kids on her own. We ate tomato sandwiches (yep bread, mayo & tomatoes) for lunch and diner many years. Goodwill cloths, being picked on as a kid for being poor basically, etc etc. Lots more to that, but I persevered and put myself through college (first one in my family to ever go to college and my sons now next generation)(paid by my blood & sweat & tears of my service to this country), and made something of myself. So I will not be shamed into having the ability to buy nice things now. Like you said I don’t know you, same applies to you not knowing the hardships I have been thru in my life to get to where I am. Just had to get that out there as I am not some rich guy that inherited money from his family and grew up privileged. Quit the opposite!

We don’t have to be best friends or agree on things and appears we won’t come to agreement on the greatness of the Grenadier, but I do wish things turn out better for you if you decide to keep it. I never told you to sell/trade it, was just giving MY opinion. Heck I am the kind of guy that if you ever left Ole Canada and came down south to Louisiana I would even meet up with you at a local bar/pub and have a few brewskies to chat about our differences. I have ZERO hard feelings towards you. I just feel 100% opposite of how you feel about the Grenadier and want possibly future buyers to know that not everyone has had negative owner experiences with these beasts!! 🤘


Grenadier Owner
Local time
11:29 AM
Apr 9, 2024
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Take it a step further, it could be in BMW's interest to buy a steak in Ineos Automotive. Since BMW provides the engine, computers, ignition system and infotainment system it would make a good investment. BMW can claim its part in a Ineos 4X4, and that will certainly help with sales and more prestige. BMW would be directly involved with Ineos in making the Grenadier compete with their rival the Mercedes G550. I know BMW uses Recaro and they are not shutting down. A Partnership will add money from a second pocket. Deep pockets are best.
So by the same rationale, BMW will buy Morgan, Toyota, JLR?
They all use BMW engines.
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