There is no “huge number of owners..freaked out by the steering and abandoning their orders.” You have zero data that supports that claim. Absolute zero.
However, there is the internet and people that believe that a few negative posts on an enthusiast forum somehow forms the basis of fact. It doesn’t. They don’t. The fact that several of us have said the steering is not an issue proves that, irrefutably. Your opinion is not a fact.
As proof of this, I’d like to point out that you’re now claiming that everyone likes their steak cooked and salted the exact same way?
What? How exactly did I claim everyone likes steak the same way.
And yes the Sewell dealer here is packed with trucks. I personally know several people here that passed due to steering. Those I know personally would easily account for the excess inventory. Combined with the additional second hand info I feel pretty good about it and that doesn’t even count this forum.
My initial test drive before I bought mine came with a disclaimer that the steering is weird. They gave a couple excuses for why. My truck was literally abandoned because the person who pre ordered it ended up not being ok with the handling of the IG (i.e. steering) and cancelled. I gave up my preorder to get into one about 6-8months sooner.
Just because you like an unseasoned steak does not mean the majority of people do to. Most people like their steak with at least a little salt.
And just because you’re ok with the steering on the IG requiring you to center the steering after a 90° turn unlike virtually any other road going vehicle in the world doesn’t make it right.
99.9% of people that have driven a car or truck more than a few hundred miles in their life expect the steering wheel to self center in any vehicle they get into. The IG doesn’t do that to date without changing the stabilizer. Can they adapt, sure will they prefer it, maybe. Is it normal, no, are you trying to normalize it, yes.
For reference I have full hydro steering on one of my trucks. One of the coveted characteristics people with full hydro look for is self centering. People spend huge sums of money to develop full hydro steering components that mimic this characteristic.
Some ask you simply, does your stock IG require significant manual recentering of the steering when coming out of a 90° turn? (Your answer will be yes)
Is this a normal condition for any off the shelf road going vehicle (The public answer will be NO)
So what’s your problem? This fundamental difference is what causes the other complaints and especially the ones the OP complained about.
And keep in mind the OP has a modified truck to begin with. As do I at this point. And mine drives like a dream now.
So the final step here is for some of you diehards to complete a simple test. Go outside and simplify unbolt your stock IG stabilizer on your stock IG. Now go drive it around the block for a moment. You will find the steering to be a bit fast, but you will also find the return to center is there like any other vehicle.
This seriously takes just a few minutes and simple hand tools. If you can’t or won’t do this test then we are worlds apart and there will be no reconciliation between our differences.
Dictated but not read