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Ineos forced to shut down production on supplier issue

Media starting to break that production of the IG is going to be paused until 2025 due to financial troubles at one of its suppliers.

The UK dealers were just told and mine told me today but I didn't post anything until I saw it starting to appear in the media. I cant see behind the paywall but I wonder if this is recaro?


Grenadier Owner
Local time
6:17 AM
Nov 10, 2022
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North of Watford!
Positivity and truth thru being an actual owner and driving one every day!!! Not just stating negative posts from someone who does not own or drive one daily and only comes on here to bash the vehicle and/or company. Like I have said before, it’s your right to say what you want, but the exact same rights that afford you that privilege also provides me the same rights to be positive about the vehicle. One thing that will NEVER change no matter what negatively you spew from any of your accounts, is how much I LOVE to drive this vehicle. Mr. Negative nanny (my new name for whoever you are, I think you have multiple accounts on here and post negativity from them all, but hey I’m just a simple man what do I know?), you think this is a “new development”? There have been so many rumors and accusations from so many people (press, forum posters, YouTubers, etc etc) and none of us know the real reason for the temp halt. I already posted my honest thought about what’s going on in another long thread and it’s not even favorable to Ineos. But none of that matters as it will still not change the way I feel about these vehicles. I think Sir. James is a very smart man with a lot of money and I don’t think he is the kind of person who likes to lose at anything. So if he has to invest more or make changes I really think it will happen. If I am wrong I have zero doubt you will be on here posting about it from all of your accounts all over the forum. We shall see in 2025 who is right. I am planning on adding to my Ineos stable and getting a 3rd via a Quartermaster. So I’m all in baby!!!! Hate away…….🤘👋😁
Great post - we don't need rumours. Rumours are destructive as they become the truth.

Dual Grenny Guy

Grenadier Owner
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12:17 AM
Jul 10, 2024
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Louisiana, USA
Dear “MattA” & “Zimm”,

The gig is up!! I alluded to this in another thread, but you/singular btw, have become too brash and/or lazy and are starting to reveal yourself/again singular. If you look at both these members posts in this thread alone (see the page before this one), I am sure there are others, they come on back to back to back to be negative towards the vehicle/company. So you post the negativity under one username, log out, come back on under the other and do the same thing, etc etc. heck your username Zimm even is defending your other username MattA at one point. You can’t make this stuff up. I am sure one or both may disappear sooner or later and a new one pops up with more negativity, but the light shall reveal the true YOU!! I bet “y’all” come up with some explanation and even get a friend to help you out by logging on at the same time to post a rebuttal, but it’s too late. As previously stated, the gig is up……👋🤪😎

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Grenadier Owner
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4:17 PM
Sep 30, 2021
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One thing is obvious, SJR has the sportsman genes and hates losing. So whilst he's at the helm I feel things will be OK.
As with an injured sportsman, IA is currently spending a little time on the bench.


Grenadier Owner
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3:17 PM
Nov 5, 2022
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Brisbane QLD, Australia
A good read, pay attention and it’s all in the details
I'm not sure what you are pointing to here? This is almost 3 months old. A very very long time in insolvency land. And I assume the losing a major contract comment refers to VW.


Grenadier Owner
Local time
6:17 AM
Nov 10, 2022
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North of Watford!
A good read, pay attention and it’s all in the details
Matt, why are you on this Forum? You appear to display great pleasure in the fact that Recaro are in trouble and infer INEOS is too. AWo has given his version on why he thinks Recaro are in trouble after Ineos failed to reorder seats.

Matt, have you ordered a Grenadier or are you here for the crac?

Dual Grenny Guy

Grenadier Owner
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12:17 AM
Jul 10, 2024
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Louisiana, USA
A good read, pay attention and it’s all in the details
You keep posting about Recaro in this thread and others, trying to use their statements or articles relating to their issues as a reason/possibility that Ineos is going to fold. So we are to take the word from a company going into bankruptcy that the only reason they are in this position is because Ineos stopped buying from them? So Ineos was the ONLY company keeping them in business (yes I read some car companies canceled on them but not all)? Doubtful but possible; however, is your assumption that since Ineos is not buying anymore seats from them is because Ineos has plans to close up permanently (if the not buying seats is even true, maybe Ineos saw the writing on the wall for Recaro and have been in the works trying to get a fix to it, none of us know)? I would love to open a thread and see a post from you saying something positive about the vehicle or company, or show any support on a forum that’s really about helping and sharing with other people their interest in this vehicle, but someone so negative all the time can’t have any real interest!! Heck you told me in another thread/maybe earlier in this one, that you are not buying a Grenadier. So I ask again, what is your true purpose on the forum? I explained mine in a previous post and was 100% honest.

Waiting for Zimm to come in and either defend you or respond to my post…🙄


Grenadier Owner
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7:17 AM
May 12, 2022
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Mr. Blümle, the liquidator of Recaro, published information that a few investors are interested in Recaro. But, these are only interested in the brand. The manufacturing site in Kircheim/Teck, Germany, is pretty much lost.
I quote (translated into English) Mr. Blümle: "There is no chance to save the production without further orders from the only customer Ineos". So if Ineos stopped production because Recaro had problems....why can the Recaro production only survive with Ineos? Ineos should be keen to place orders to start again which would save the production of Recaro, wouldn't it?

Here is the link, read it yourself:
That is an automotive business magazine you have to pay for, but maybe the one or the other uses this site.

Sorry folks, but it seems to me, as Ineos stopped ordering....

Maybe Ineos just doesn’t order enough seats because of the lower than expected production rate. If they lowered their orders and therefore don’t sign a bigger order now that could explain the situation of Recaro as well.
Recaro maybe just needs a higher volume than Ineos can provide now. Don’t you think so?


Grenadier Owner
Local time
3:17 PM
Nov 5, 2022
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Brisbane QLD, Australia
You keep posting about Recaro in this thread and others, trying to use their statements or articles relating to their issues as a reason/possibility that Ineos is going to fold. So we are to take the word from a company going into bankruptcy that the only reason they are in this position is because Ineos stopped buying from them? So Ineos was the ONLY company keeping them in business (yes I read some car companies canceled on them but not all)? Doubtful but possible; however, is your assumption that since Ineos is not buying anymore seats from them is because Ineos has plans to close up permanently (if the not buying seats is even true, maybe Ineos saw the writing on the wall for Recaro and have been in the works trying to get a fix to it, none of us know)? I would love to open a thread and see a post from you saying something positive about the vehicle or company, or show any support on a forum that’s really about helping and sharing with other people their interest in this vehicle, but someone so negative all the time can’t have any real interest!! Heck you told me in another thread/maybe earlier in this one, that you are not buying a Grenadier. So I ask again, what is your true purpose on the forum? I explained mine in a previous post and was 100% honest.

Waiting for Zimm to come in and either defend you or respond to my post…🙄
Settle down DGG - you'll blow a valve if you're not careful. You're letting the Chat Bots get to you. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Well OK, maybe not a chat bot but the last MattA post could almost have been one.


Grenadier Owner
Local time
3:17 PM
Mar 18, 2022
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Toogoom, Fraser Coast Queensland
How poorly are these companies run? Where is the Board on overlooking the financial duties? Companies crash and burn when there is no oversight. The more one thinks the more shocking. There has to be lots more going on in the Board Room at Ineos Automotive. I hope they come through, they have a fantastic product, if Ineos focuses on the Grenadier, no doubt, they can get it perfect. 🙏 I want the car I ordered. I'll call my salesman tomorrow for an update. If the car comes after 1/1/25 they must deliver me a 2025. I'll need a new Vin.
Recaro Automotive was taken over by a US investment company. They built a factory in the US and transferred all the US orders away from the German Factory.
Coincidental the German arm of Recaro Automotive went broke??


Grenadier Owner
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Local time
1:17 AM
May 9, 2022
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Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia
Desiderata can sum up life for some...on here(y)

"Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering to things of youth"

This line has been the hardest to swallow, especially sitting in a Recaro seat holding onto saddle leather :ROFLMAO:


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Global Grenadier 0044
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10:17 PM
Oct 11, 2021
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Kirkland, WA, USA
Bowler motors a subsidiary of JLR, as of today is no longer on its original form. JLR is closing the Belpar location and moving operations in house. Belpar people no longer needed. The point I am making is, business make decisions that we may not agree with but it doesn't mean they don't have a plan. Could Ineos basically say, we can make the seats in Hambach since it sounds like they were going to make the Arcane seats in Hambach.

The delay till 2025 gives them time to bring in the people, equipment and materials.


Grenadier Owner
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10:17 PM
Aug 6, 2024
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Los Angeles, CA, USA
I think we all need to have some whiskey and settle down. That being said my only question is in the quartermaster. I can see the logic in pausing the Grenadier lineup, but they were launching a new version. It’s meant to be a headliner out here at the LA Auto Show next month. It’s weird to pause when you are taking orders for a brand new type that needs people to feel safe ordering. I’m not fear mongering, and unlike others I believe if they go out of business this year my Grenadier is going up in value. I’m just questioning the decision.
Local time
1:17 AM
Jan 12, 2024
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Georgia, USA
IMO, Regardless of whatever the reason, the decision to shut down a new car company gives pause to purchasing one no matter the cool factor and capability. Will you really go out and thrash the car with no availability of parts or computer update repair? A positive press release from Ineos would keep the sales rolling from the public. And believe me, I have some $$$ burning a hole in my pocket.
Local time
1:17 AM
Jan 12, 2024
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Georgia, USA
there is simply to much value in the engineering for the Grenadier to disappear. I would think that BMW would buy it and make it a G-Wagon competitor. It would be low volume but have a great umbrella effect.
Always thought that would be the eventual exit strategy, especially with the hood badge size


Grenadier Owner
Local time
3:17 PM
Nov 5, 2022
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Brisbane QLD, Australia
there is simply to much value in the engineering for the Grenadier to disappear. I would think that BMW would buy it and make it a G-Wagon competitor. It would be low volume but have a great umbrella effect.
Funnily enough when I last spoke to my BMW dealer when servicing my wife's X3 he asked me when I was going to buy a beemer for myself.
I told him at the time (few years ago now) that when they made a proper 4wd that could replace my landcruiser I'd think about it.
Well, Sir Jim beat them to it didn't he.
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