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Americas ANY WORD YET? (the NA build date and dealer announcement thread)

Local time
4:19 AM
Mar 9, 2023
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I guess I don't understand your last comment, which I see a lot from others as well. IA has said that they plan to start delivering pre-orders in December. At this point, are you expecting more specifics aside from that, like the ability to log in and see your vin # and your estimated arrival/delivery date?
I cannot speak for @RobS but the last e-mail from IA said that the pre-order portal would be updated in July to reflect pre-order confirmation and "estimated building time." Greg Clark likewise said in Q&A4 that IA would confirm, by email, to each pre-order holder, giving an approximate build date. He also said that the dealer network announcement would come after that email.

Some folks are interpreting the continued delay/IA's silence to mean that IA has chosen to skip the pre-order confirmation & build date email and go straight to the dealer announcement.


Grenadier Owner
Local time
4:19 AM
May 31, 2023
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Pittsburgh, PA, USA
I cannot speak for @RobS but the last e-mail from IA said that the pre-order portal would be updated in July to reflect pre-order confirmation and "estimated building time." Greg Clark likewise said in Q&A4 that IA would confirm, by email, to each pre-order holder, giving an approximate build date. He also said that the dealer network announcement would come after that email.

Some folks are interpreting the continued delay/IA's silence to mean that IA has chosen to skip the pre-order confirmation & build date email and go straight to the dealer announcement.
What you said is correct regarding the "estimated delivery date". They specifically stated that they would get in touch in July and provide us an estimated delivery date. I am not concerned about the dealer announcements or any of the subsequent milestones. All i want to know is the estimated delivery date. Here is a screenshot of the email:


  • Image 8-11-23 at 3.36 PM.jpeg
    Image 8-11-23 at 3.36 PM.jpeg
    71.4 KB · Views: 41


Grenadier Owner
Lifetime Supporter
Local time
3:19 AM
Oct 2, 2022
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I usually have a positive/optimistic outlook on most things....but I am very, very skeptical that first deliveries in the US will occur in December 2023 based on what our oversees friends have experienced (are experiencing) and the delays with the preorder confirmations. Hope I am wrong.


Grenadier Owner
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Local time
1:19 AM
Mar 4, 2023
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
Doesn’t bother me in the least. It’s a 2024 MY and I have my place in line…
I'm with you. I still trust that I have a place in line. For now. But not forever if dates continue to slip. So the ability to *verify* will maintain my trust. i.e. Once reservation order holders start to receive their delivery dates (which were promised in July 2023 but have slipped a bit now) ... then we can verify that we actually do have places in a line that corresponds somewhat to when we made our reservations and placed our deposits.


Grenadier Owner
Local time
4:19 AM
May 15, 2023
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USA - New Jersey
I guess I don't understand your last comment, which I see a lot from others as well. IA has said that they plan to start delivering pre-orders in December. At this point, are you expecting more specifics aside from that, like the ability to log in and see your vin # and your estimated arrival/delivery date?
The only thing I am expecting is that IA follows through with what they said they would do. This step in the process is the only one that they can control. If you say you’ll be in touch in July to finalize my order - do it.

They have less control with each step after the first. Supply chain, shipping delays, customs, establishing dealership network, etc all add variables that are outside of their scope of control. If they plan on delivering in December they need to start building those trucks in 3 weeks. With so many variables outside their control they don’t have much time to deliver on their planned December deliveries.

I don’t need a vin or an arrival date. I don’t need to know my place in line. If you want everyone to trust the process it begins with that first step of getting in touch with me to finalize my order as you said you would. They got in the business to build a new truck. They did that. To stay in business they have to sell them. They have buyer in me. To built loyalty they have to earn our trust. They don’t haven’t earned it yet. I want them to succeed because I plan to have an IG for decades.


Grenadier Owner
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Founding Guard
Local time
6:19 PM
Sep 30, 2021
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I usually have a positive/optimistic outlook on most things....but I am very, very skeptical that first deliveries in the US will occur in December 2023 based on what our oversees friends have experienced (are experiencing) and the delays with the preorder confirmations. Hope I am wrong.
I had a December 22 ETA and well it's August now...
Local time
1:19 AM
Jul 8, 2023
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San clemente California
Hi Norb, Ashton Mossy here, officially representing IG in Houston. I'm beyond excited and look forward to getting you there too. Unfortunately, I can't share much until dealer day, but rest assured no markups or allocation games!
Mossy family is the best news we can hope for in terms of dealers. Travis mossy got the San Diego point and he’s an excellent person and will not play games.

Mossy Ineos Grenadier TX

Commercial Account
INEOS Agent/Dealer (verified)
Local time
3:19 AM
Nov 7, 2022
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The only thing I am expecting is that IA follows through with what they said they would do. This step in the process is the only one that they can control. If you say you’ll be in touch in July to finalize my order - do it.

They have less control with each step after the first. Supply chain, shipping delays, customs, establishing dealership network, etc all add variables that are outside of their scope of control. If they plan on delivering in December they need to start building those trucks in 3 weeks. With so many variables outside their control they don’t have much time to deliver on their planned December deliveries.

I don’t need a vin or an arrival date. I don’t need to know my place in line. If you want everyone to trust the process it begins with that first step of getting in touch with me to finalize my order as you said you would. They got in the business to build a new truck. They did that. To stay in business they have to sell them. They have buyer in me. To built loyalty they have to earn our trust. They don’t haven’t earned it yet. I want them to succeed because I plan to have an IG for decades.
Gotcha, makes sense. I must have missed the communication where they said they would get in touch in July with a estimated delivery date (ref screenshot from @shiv.nandak). I thought all pre-orders automatically finalized after that two week window, during which you could still make changes, and that was it until a next update. Attached is all I'm seeing in my portal currently.


  • Screenshot 2023-08-14 111459.png
    Screenshot 2023-08-14 111459.png
    19.3 KB · Views: 36


Grenadier Owner
Local time
4:19 AM
May 15, 2023
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USA - New Jersey
Gotcha, makes sense. I must have missed the communication where they said they would get in touch in July with an estimated delivery date (ref screenshot from @shiv.nandak). I thought all pre-orders automatically finalized after that two week window, during which you could still make changes, and that was it until a next update. Attached is all I'm seeing in my portal currently.
Seeing the same on my portal.

I wish you a lot of luck in your endeavor. Starting a new business selling a brand with no reputation is very entrepreneurial. May you find the support you need from IA as well as from your community of Grenadier enthusiasts and buyers.

Whenever I meet someone like you who begins a new and exciting journey I think of the following:

“It is not the critic that counts: not the man that points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” Theodore Roosevelt


Grenadier Owner
Lifetime Supporter
Local time
10:19 AM
Aug 23, 2022
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Rhine - Main Area / Germany
Ordered June 2022
Contract signed April 2023
Now in production as of this morning!! awaiting delivery dates
so you could change your status again.. I signed my contract 5 weeks ago. lets see.. how long it takes to get it in production. But afaik factory holiday in Hambach has ended and since yesterday they are back to production.


Grenadier Owner
Local time
9:19 AM
Feb 23, 2023
Reaction score
so you could change your status again.. I signed my contract 5 weeks ago. lets see.. how long it takes to get it in production. But afaik factory holiday in Hambach has ended and since yesterday they are back to production.
I'm trying to remember how to agjust my status, it has been a while
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