Thanks for blazing the trail. I plan to get the same 900. Keep us all posted on the solution to fit to the ball mountI already purchased a G900 and was playing around with how to remove the existing mirror - and this is what you get:
View attachment 7837517
To remove the existing mirror you have to take a flat head screwdriver and pop off a metal C clamp from around the socket for where the ball (pictured above) is affixed to. Then, give a good tug on the mirror to remove from the ball. From what I can tell - the ball about 5/8” in diameter ball, and I’m having a difficult time figuring out how I can attach to that (ram mounts are all much larger). And, I’m having a hard time figuring out how to remove the plastic. My initial thought is to purchase the following ram mounts and attach them to the wolfbox oem backplate: View attachment 7837518
I would prefer to fix the camera inside the door looking through the glass so I don’t need to drill.