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Europe Communication is ZERO! Does anyone know what is going on? (INEOS Automotive)


Grenadier Owner
Local time
10:46 PM
Nov 10, 2022
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North of Watford!
Is anyone in the same position as me?

  1. In December I was told my vehicle would be manufactured on 13th January (just like many others) and delivered 1st February.
  2. Then of course I heard nothing since.
  3. So I called my supplying dealer - who knew nothing, except February looks good. But I had to call them.
  4. On the 24th January, I messaged Ineos who say that their computer still says end of January/early February looks good for delivery and it should be in production now.
  5. I then check the INEOS website which doesn't show in PRODUCTION.
  6. Why oh why, can they not all sing from the same hymn sheet? Maybe take away the website - "in production" tab.
I will be honest, this is the worst buying experience of anything I have ever purchased. If I hadn't signed the contract I would have walked away, regardless of how good or bad the vehicle MAY be.
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Grenadier Owner
Local time
10:46 PM
Jan 24, 2023
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I think your concerns are valid. I’m not at all sure about signing a contract for a vehicle I haven’t even been able to drive on the road yet. It’s all gone worryingly quiet. I would have expected the first deliveries and their joyous owners to have turned up on this site by now.


Grenadier Owner
Local time
11:46 PM
Jan 6, 2023
Reaction score
Is anyone in the same position as me?

  1. In December I was told my vehicle would be manufactured on 13th January (just like many others) and delivered 1st February.
  2. Then of course I heard nothing since.
  3. So I called my supplying dealer - who knew nothing, except February looks good. But I had to call them.
  4. On the 24th January, I messaged Ineos who say the computer says end of January/early February looks good for delivery and it should be in production now.
  5. I then check the INEOS website which doesn't show in PRODUCTION.
  6. Why oh why, can they not all sing from the same hymn sheet? Maybe take away the website - "in production" tab.
I will be honest, this is the worts buying experience of anything I have ever had. If I hadn't signed the contract I would have walked away, regardless of hw good or bad the vehicle MAY be.
it´s a mess for sure, same me first September 22 next Oct. now Feb/March but nobody knows , even no contract this was also "send" for weeks
and today now the short answer delay due to some issues again but 6 cars leaves factory to customer 1 on them to our dealer


Grenadier Owner
Local time
10:46 PM
Jul 27, 2022
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If I hadn't signed the contract I would have walked away, regardless of how good or bad the vehicle MAY be.
Use the rights you've been given in the contract ~ email them under clause 15., you’ll either get the info you want or your money back in full.

Tom D

Grenadier Owner
Lifetime Supporter
Local time
10:46 PM
Jun 3, 2022
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Given that this is an official forum and presumably Ineos staff read the posts you would think that the growing dissent would have triggered an official response. Either as a forum post from ineos representatives or as direct communication to buyers. I wonder if they put more effort into gearing up the factory than they did into gearing up the customer service operation.


Grenadier Owner
Local time
5:46 PM
May 7, 2022
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Devizes uk
Is anyone in the same position as me?

  1. In December I was told my vehicle would be manufactured on 13th January (just like many others) and delivered 1st February.
  2. Then of course I heard nothing since.
  3. So I called my supplying dealer - who knew nothing, except February looks good. But I had to call them.
  4. On the 24th January, I messaged Ineos who say that their computer still says end of January/early February looks good for delivery and it should be in production now.
  5. I then check the INEOS website which doesn't show in PRODUCTION.
  6. Why oh why, can they not all sing from the same hymn sheet? Maybe take away the website - "in production" tab.
I will be honest, this is the worst buying experience of anything I have ever purchased. If I hadn't signed the contract I would have walked away, regardless of how good or bad the vehicle MAY be.
I have been told for the last3 weeks that my contract will be coming out 'this' week del Feb/ March . Nothing yet


Grenadier Owner
Local time
10:46 PM
Jun 21, 2022
Reaction score
over the bridge, on the left
Press embargo lifts on 8 February. Tough way home or whatever it is called, has been trailed on Twitter. My dealer is expecting first Grenadier in February with more early March.

Ineos have sunk a huge chunk of cash into this. I am confident the Grenadier is on the way and expect a lot of hype/comms/marketing in February.

Comms from Ineos have disappointingly dropped off but I’ve got faith that all will be good.


Grenadier Owner
Lifetime Supporter
Local time
11:46 PM
Aug 23, 2022
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Rhine - Main Area / Germany
I have been told for the last3 weeks that my contract will be coming out 'this' week del Feb/ March . Nothing yet
My agent told me new contract will not be sent before End of January .. this means if new contracts will be issued then I expect by Jan 31 / Feb 1 earliest.
I am aware there is different communications and some press topics / what should not be disclosed before Feb. 8th.

There are many threads already on when the Grenadiers gets handed over to customers.. I know its difficult.. and if someone is following the developments since years now.
When I ordered I got an October 23 quotation for expected delivery. - Recently I learned March 23. production.. no matter anything earlier than Oct 23 is a positive surprise.
Okay - that doesnt help the very early birds - that have already contracts.. -
But at least I could put my hands on it and drive it. ..
Local time
10:46 PM
Nov 15, 2022
Reaction score
To treat your initial customers, many of which have followed the project for many years, with such contempt is appalling. Made even more galling, as the PR machine is in over drive with journalist drives.
What on earth is stopping them putting out an explanation for the lack of contracts and I suspect further revised delivery dates? The Commercial Director bloke stated in November he would be back with further info in a couple of weeks....then silence.........
Local time
11:46 PM
Dec 25, 2022
Reaction score
The whole sheebang seems like a dejavu to me...that´s a long story and one day, I might write that down. First, lets see, what happens after the embargo ends - which in essence has nothing to do with sales, internal sales, expectation management and cs...
Local time
11:46 PM
Dec 25, 2022
Reaction score
To treat your initial customers, many of which have followed the project for many years, with such contempt is appalling. Made even more galling, as the PR machine is in over drive with journalist drives.
What on earth is stopping them putting out an explanation for the lack of contracts and I suspect further revised delivery dates? The Commercial Director bloke stated in November he would be back with further info in a couple of weeks....then silence.........

The explanation is rather simple but no excuse for treating ones customers in such a shameful manner.

Road worthiness certification in all the different countries is a nightmare and was probably started way too late for the vehicle. For instance EU: rather then picking a country with a co-operative approach and using that EU cert for all other countries with slight adaptations, where needed for tax reasons, INEOS are looking at the markets individually, probably cause they got entangled with all the different tax regulations - which play a crucial role, 60% of vehicles will be corporate. more the less. And that's only the EU. Over here it should be a piece of cake with the right partner institution and the right people..its not rocket science after all and normally split up into LHD, RHD, EU, US, UK and ROW on a "niche" vehicle like the IG. On such vehicles there are always exceptions, i.e. do I want to sell to the Army, is any country particularly important for volume or prestige etc...

On the contractual side, it is way more tricky. Again, looking at the EU you are facing 26 different consumer legistlations in practise, in theory only one but that's wishful thinking. Clever legal advisors will point that out and make a big holy balloo out of it, probably with reason, there are certain jurisdictions with a massive "compo culture". Contracts have to be written for each country individually and the "clever" advisor will not just draft a simple and adaptable sample, but 26 complex constructs..imagine that @ $300 or $500 an hour. It'll take its time.
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Grenadier Owner
Local time
10:46 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Reaction score
North of Watford!
Just wait until February. Don't be so impatient. One or the other will surely get a message then.

You think? You could be right. Just don't have much confidence though, but like all of us I am prepared to be shocked. February could be correct - but why not communicate? I have a Honda CTR on order and I know when I'll get it, March - dealer has already notified me and I believe them.......

My doubt comes from no contact from either Ineos or my local dealer, which is bizarre. I expected an October delivery, then November, then January and each time no contact. Local dealer has had two driving events, one as a passenger and the other driving at Newark Machinery Show, plus the vehicle has been available to view three times locally, (its currently at the local dealers now). Guess what, I've never been told anything about any of these events. Only through Social Media and driving by - you are made aware, maybe that's how people do business these days - but it not my way.


Inch deep and a mile wide.
Grenadier Owner
Lifetime Supporter
Local time
7:46 AM
Aug 24, 2022
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I really have been one of the most patient early customers and often a big defender against critics, but the last month to 6 weeks has really been testing that patience. I don’t doubt that a vehicle will come or that it will be great but the complete silence and mixed messaging is not as much worrying as annoying, yes that’s it I am not worried, but I am starting to get annoyed and I don’t want this company to annoy me. Having said all that I am trying to be patient and trusting that after Feb 8 all will become much clearer. So I am going to shut up now and be quiet until then. But if the communication is not huge and clear by then I will be officially annoyed.

In the meantime something that consoles me and may also give you some perspective.
I put down and early reservation payment for a Tesla CyberTruck more than a year before my reservation payment for the IG. Since then I have had zero direct communication about it from Tesla except marketing material for their other vehicles. There isn’t even an obvious way to request your reservation’s payment back. We have seen no physical prototypes let alone the ability to drive one. At this stage production appears to have slipped until at least 2024 and despite taking my reservation fee, there is no firm information that it will ever actually come to Australia.

Against that benchmark IG is 1000% better and there is a high likelihood an actual car will be in my driveway in the next few months so there’s that And Tesla for all it’s “start-up” image is now an established carmaker with sales of more than a million last year and an almost $500bn Market Cap.
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