I'm sure I read a couple of posts from him the other day
There were a few heated debates from 2 obviously strong characters with totally different experiences. I always hope I don't upset people with my attempts at humour, being as it's the sarcastic self deprecating type, but it's easy to get misunderstood when not in person and not everyone has done the correct thing yet and started to only speak English

For clarification, that's me taking the pee out of us English because we can't be bothered to learn a foreign language and expect everyone else to understand us, as it should be

I try to use emojis to express these things but as I'm old I might get them mixed up

Thankfully I figured out how to do them on my computer which tells me what each face is whereas my phone doesn't and it's so small I might pick the wrong one anyway

Anyway, shame he's gone if he was a lifetime supporter, and I know, I need to do something to in way of support for the site, just running a bit tight for the next few months whilst selling a property
How did Tazz get a founding guard banner
And Stu & Kraabby, did they set all this up or was it just Stu?