Could you share more about your 3-D printed defrost air deflector? Thanks.
This is what exactly happened to me. I was sitting in traffic for the Vail pass yesterday and the windshield was starting to ice up so I turned on the defrost with the button. I thought it was quite warm. And it had only run for a few minutes when we heard a huge snap, and there was a crack emanating from the edge right above the defrost vent. We were sitting perfectly still, and there wasn’t even any traffic on the other side. No movement at all. It definitely was the defrost that did it. The outside temperature was probably in the teens Fahrenheit. I’ve used the defrost in exactly the same situations more than a few times and not had a problem. I recently had my one year service and I’m almost wondering if the new software changes the temperature of the defrost to make it hotter. after we got that crack, we turned off the defrost function, but we still had to try to keep the windshield warm, so we use the HVAC controls to turn on the defrost vent and then manually adjusted the fan and the temperature. I felt like even at full fan and full temp. We didn’t seem to get anywhere near the temperatures that the defrost function did. The issue is that if you want the side mirrors to be heated, I think you have to use the defrost button, correct?
Because that leads me to the second issue of the fact that these Grenadier don’t handle ice and cold as well as they should. I know there is a cold weather package, but I think they need to have an extreme cold weather package that addresses heated windshield wipers, heated jets for the headlights, and something about on the left-hand drive models that big clump of ice that accumulates on the edge of the windshield.