Visit Australia! No problems. Don't carry weapons, just pack your wisdom.I found the interior quality to be quite nice as well given that it was still a prototype. Certainly not luxurious, but high quality nonetheless. Storage is limited, but that will simply force me to pair down the amount of tools and supplies I constantly lug around… my GMC Sierra has so much storage that I always end up bringing along items that I rarely (if ever) need. May put a Ketzal organizer in there to keep everything tidy. Works well for the RRC.
Not to bring the thread more off topic, (but also, to further the off topic conversation…) I nearly always have a Glock 26 (or larger caliber) with me, with very specific storage spots in my vehicles. Feel naked without it. But my wife and I are planning a trip around the globe, and I was shocked at how strict (also nonsensical) the European laws are for carrying a simple Swiss Army knife! Confusing and inconsistent rules across many countries. Different worlds indeed, having grown up in the Southern US and worked/lived in the Western US for years. I think back to previous family or school trips in Europe where I brought a locking pocket knife along. Glad I was not stopped by law enforcement!
Anyways, interesting to hear differing viewpoints and experiences in such a matter.