Indeed they did... the url above provides an engineering drawing with data required to install... look for "Download fitting diagram".
They're a little tricky and heavy. Install the sump guard before the TF case plate. Unless you have a hoist, find a box/plastic crate of sufficient height to lay the sump plate on, (so you won't have to lift it too high), then manoeuvre the box/crate into position.. I used a broom. You raise and then "rest" the aft edge of the sump guard on the "ledge" provided by the crossmember.
There are no threaded holes for the front bolts. Requires three hands.. one to raise the plate, one to hold the bolts in place and the third hand to screw on the washers and nuts!!
While fastening the front edge into position you need to keep in mind not to dislodge the plate from its 'tenuous' resting place on the rear crossmember..... !
(IIRC...I put the front bolts in place from the top and wedged them in with ptfe tape so that when I put upwards pressure on them "offering up" the plate and nuts and washers from underneath, the bolts didn't pop out of position

. I put the nuts into a socket on the end of a thin extension with the washer on top and carefully screwed them a couple of turns just with fingers, no ratchet, so that the plate couldn't dislodge.... and cause a trip to the dentist...)
Don't tighten fully as yet. Use the slack in the front fasteners to manoeuvre (lift) the rear edge into position and fasten into place... then torque all fasteners to the DIY German Standard "guten tight"
The transfer case plate requires the LHS middle side step/rock slider (if fitted) bracket fasteners to be removed, simply install plate on top of the bracket holding the sidestep/rockslider and re-fasten. If there are no sidesteps/rocksliders, screw the supplied bolts into the threaded holes.
Laying on a cardboard sheet to slide around, I was able crawl under the Grenadier and install all 6 plates in about an hour including faffing about wondering where the "safe place" was where I'd last stored the ptfe tape, WD40 etc.