Indulge me for a little political activism here. Lets face it we are mostly outdoorsman, and overlanders here, and we all know the closures of our favorite places have accelerated the last 4 years. Please consider contributing to Blue Ribbon if you have not and support this critical legislation. Comment HERE.
I added this personal comment to the boiler plate;
As someone ready to retire in the next few years, it saddens me to see the non stop whittling down of access to government lands. These are treasures and resources for ALL Americans, not just extreme environmental groups with deep pockets and there ability to make some politicians "feel good" despite no science or logic going into this land grab. It is essential existing trails and roads be left open, and ones that were closed for political reasons over the last few decades must be re-evaluated for re-opening. We have endured the loss of freedom, access, and the ability to explore this great country since the late 1970s, its time for law makers to look out for its average citizens, and disabled citizens and turn back these terrible closures and losses of freedom. And the title of this bill is VERY appropriate! We are also losing our HISTORY. Ghost towns buried in wilderness areas, historic land marks in-accessible, old railroads, mining camps and so on. Those historic losses are added to the loss of solitude, and the ability to explore and enjoy the beautiful lands of this country. And lets not forget we need these roads to manage lands, do research, conduct CRITICAL fire prevention activities, access desperately needed mineral resources and more. While this issue fall short of the Debt Crisis, Work Force Crisis and threats from abroad the weighty ness of this loss of freedom and quality of life makes it an issue that needs to be near the top of the list for lawmakers to take on.
I added this personal comment to the boiler plate;
As someone ready to retire in the next few years, it saddens me to see the non stop whittling down of access to government lands. These are treasures and resources for ALL Americans, not just extreme environmental groups with deep pockets and there ability to make some politicians "feel good" despite no science or logic going into this land grab. It is essential existing trails and roads be left open, and ones that were closed for political reasons over the last few decades must be re-evaluated for re-opening. We have endured the loss of freedom, access, and the ability to explore this great country since the late 1970s, its time for law makers to look out for its average citizens, and disabled citizens and turn back these terrible closures and losses of freedom. And the title of this bill is VERY appropriate! We are also losing our HISTORY. Ghost towns buried in wilderness areas, historic land marks in-accessible, old railroads, mining camps and so on. Those historic losses are added to the loss of solitude, and the ability to explore and enjoy the beautiful lands of this country. And lets not forget we need these roads to manage lands, do research, conduct CRITICAL fire prevention activities, access desperately needed mineral resources and more. While this issue fall short of the Debt Crisis, Work Force Crisis and threats from abroad the weighty ness of this loss of freedom and quality of life makes it an issue that needs to be near the top of the list for lawmakers to take on.