An update: Our garage is now trying to get technicians from INEOS on site and has now confirmed that our problem is not an isolated incident. Something seems to be moving.
Very interesting.End and (hopefully) solved:
We called the garage today and asked for an update. After all, our Grenadier has been there for testing for three weeks now.
The garage manager told us that they had given up and burnt the car. - Laughter (old joker).
No, everything was fine now, they had found the problem seven days ago, fixed it and tested it again and again until today - it remains stable.
It was/is a mass problem. They found that the paint was leaking in almost all places where the ground connections were attached to the body. This means that the ground had a poor connection to the chassis through the paint. They have now removed the paint from all the ground points and there have been no problems since.
We really hope the problem has been solved once and for all. We're off to the Arctic Circle in three weeks' time and we're hoping for a puncture-free journey.
And it takes a very long time of driving to trickle charge an Ecall battery . Do a Google search on Ecall batteries, quite illuminating, my first vehicle with one, although wife's company cars had Ecall so I didn't take much interest in themE call (emergency assistance) like many new cars now, BMW, Lotus, basically has a separate backup battery which you cannot trickle charge like on the main battery (unless you take the module out). The car basically needs to be driven to charge it up and then the warning will go away once the charge is reached.
Other reason why E call may temporarily come on (will see a red led ) is that there isn’t a phone signal. Usually it’s green when it’s working.