I agree ... this is obviously catching loyal and committed pre-sale customers off guard. Not a good start to the relationship IMO.
The Vancouver dealer (Weissach Ineos) has been great to deal with so far, otherwise. The management's heritage is Porsche other sports/luxury brands but the new staff for the Ineos side (e.g. Mark and Darren and others) are genuine 4x4 people and knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the Grenadier.
So it's disappointing to see a Right Of First Refusal side-contract coming out of left field.
For starters, we're pre-sale customers with terms and expectations set by Ineos Automotive without restrictive ownership or sale terms ever mentioned until now. A year or two down the road, it seems uncivilized to prevent me from selling something I'm paying cash for, as I see fit to a friend or colleage or family at a price I think is fair without multi-day delays. This kind of thing would sour a private listing and deter otherwise serious buyers. e.g. two years from now, if I list my Grenadier for $X and a buyer shows up with cash, which I obviously think is fair, should I tell them before they bring the cash that I might not be allowed to accept their full-price payment until I run it past my the dealer and wait a couple of days for them to respond? Ridiculous. C'mon.
As someone else here pointed out, it's also notable that there is no consideration being offered to sign this additional, last-minute contract. It feels greedy to ask this of clearly committed customers who have supported this project with patience and a deposit. Since September 2021, in my case.
If Ineos Automotive is listening, this is not a good look for you in Canada. Correct me if I'm wrong but US pre-sale customers are not being subjected to this nonsense.
Well, there's my rant. Have a good weekend.