Did the hard reset and still didn’t work.
That's what I said: Answers everywhere, none helps.
If it started 2 days ago, was there also an iOS update that happened at a similar time?
It is a myth that unchanged software always does the same thing as before.
Even if no update has been made, software and operating systems do not behave itempotently, i.e. multiple calls or boot procedures lead to different results for a variety of reasons.
Date and time change continuously, file systems change as well, free space is constantly decreasing, configurations are changed and/or written, user data changes every minute, connected networks change, log files grow larger and often even status information of an entire software installation is updated based on the results of completed jobs.
And sometimes, timeouts do fire or not, e.g. because a hardware takes longer to complete (happens extremely often with modern solid state memory) or a peripheral device (touchscreen, buttons etc.) is busy.
Not to forget temporary hardware faults or -exceptions.
All these things cause software behavior to be unpredictable - which is one of the biggest challenges in modern software validation.
There are many pitfalls a system can run into and multiple starts never follow the same path.