This has been a weird experience but I think it's almost over. I started trying to buy a Grenadier near my house and the dealer was very friendly in person. They didn't have what I wanted at the time so I placed an order. I got no calls about it ever again. When the news about the seats came out I knew it would push my order back by quite a while. I tried calling to find something in stock and didn't hear back until I canceled my deposit. I then tried another dealer close to me and found the perfect model, they just needed to check if it was in stock. I never heard back. I called a few days later and spoke to a different sales person there about the same model. They never called me back. I then tried for one about 8 hours away, they had a model but it needed to be shipped to them. I put down a despot and 8 days later still hadn't heard from anyone again. I just canceled it and found Mossy in San Diego. They actually seem to want my business and have called me several times to make this happen. I pick it up on Sunday (if all goes well.) Is this happening everywhere? I'm used to service not getting back to me, but most places you can't get dealers to stop calling you. Is Ineos doing a less incentive focused dealership maybe?