Für Euch zur Info… Ineos hat ein Erbarmen mit den klemmenden Türschlössern, habe gestern ne Mail bekommen, dass es wohl ne Serviceaktion gibt, die bei der nächsten Inspektion gemacht wird. Muss eh wegen beschlagenem Kompass nochmal in die Werkstatt, vielleicht machen sie das gleich mit…
Hier der Text:
Hi Schattenparker,
We’re aware of reports currently in the media relating to an issue with the Grenadier exterior door button. We appreciate this may have given you cause for concern, so we wanted to get in touch to provide you with more information to allay any concerns you may have and to let you know what it means.
We have identified an issue affecting some Grenadiers worldwide where, in a small number of cases, the exterior door button may remain in the depressed position. This could prevent the door from fully closing. Please note, that the safety warning systems in your Grenadier remain unaffected so you will continue to be notified, should any doors be left open.
We are undertaking a worldwide campaign to replace the door button mechanisms on affected vehicles, and we have notified the regulatory authorities around the world. We will replace the mechanisms free of charge for you during your next routine workshop visit. There is no need for you to do anything now, but please do make the usual check that all doors are closed properly when using the vehicle.
Your safety and driving experience are at the heart of everything we do. We want you to know that as part of our commitment to the quality of our products, we are dedicated to ensuring that your Grenadier meets the highest standards of safety, performance, and reliability.
If you have any questions and would like to talk to us about this, please click below to get in contact.
Warm regards,
Lynn Calder
CEO, INEOS Automotive
Hier der Text:
Hi Schattenparker,
We’re aware of reports currently in the media relating to an issue with the Grenadier exterior door button. We appreciate this may have given you cause for concern, so we wanted to get in touch to provide you with more information to allay any concerns you may have and to let you know what it means.
We have identified an issue affecting some Grenadiers worldwide where, in a small number of cases, the exterior door button may remain in the depressed position. This could prevent the door from fully closing. Please note, that the safety warning systems in your Grenadier remain unaffected so you will continue to be notified, should any doors be left open.
We are undertaking a worldwide campaign to replace the door button mechanisms on affected vehicles, and we have notified the regulatory authorities around the world. We will replace the mechanisms free of charge for you during your next routine workshop visit. There is no need for you to do anything now, but please do make the usual check that all doors are closed properly when using the vehicle.
Your safety and driving experience are at the heart of everything we do. We want you to know that as part of our commitment to the quality of our products, we are dedicated to ensuring that your Grenadier meets the highest standards of safety, performance, and reliability.
If you have any questions and would like to talk to us about this, please click below to get in contact.
Warm regards,
Lynn Calder
CEO, INEOS Automotive