It has to be opened with a Allen wrench, 8 bolts to get the starlink off the roof. I opted for that, I think it's gives me some better chance of keeping it vs if it's. Clamped to the roof handles or has a quick mount. someone will try to steal it if its not bolted on. I need to take my grenadier to work for two months starting in february and i can totally see someone trying to steal my starlink while parked in the parking garage... Its also why i put it so centered on the roof rack, makes it harder to see.This looks great, I'm looking to do something similar in the future (for now I'm just using mine as a mobile unit). A few questions if you don't mind:
1. How did you run the wiring, where does it get power from?
2. How much effort would it be to attach/detach the dish from this mount, e.g. when using it at home vs. on the road?
I used the power cable from dva mechanics. I think owl has one as well. These cables plugs into one of the power ports on the roof and directly into starlink. When using the front left side power plug i have about 8-10" of slack in the cable to the starlink, it gives you a decent amount of freedom to move it around. The starlink consumes about 30w of power so not a whole lot.
FYI I am working on a solution for having my ARB roof light, Stedi rear light bar and the Starlink on the same circuit. Something both functional and decent looking. I suck at paint so its a 50/50 how the paint will come out -the rest i feel pretty good about. Stay tuned for next weeks update. I was building brackets and painting them today, they will be installed next week and wired up. I did a test run of it yesterday so i know it works electrically, now i just needed to make it look prettier than the raw metal i tested everything with...

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