Update in red (and reminder of the traject to come to a solution) about the leaks of the Safari Roofs:
- I told my dealer beginning of May I had a leak
- They told me they would look at my problems after delivery of the other cars
- After insisting, I could hand over my car at the dealer on July 3
- I took my car back on July 19, without a diagnosis of the dealer
- I diagnosed the problem of the leaking rubbers on July 24 and informed immediately my dealer, asking him to contact Ineos
- Only after a visit on August 1, where I showed my anger, they contacted Ineos
- The new rubbers were ordered on August 2
- They arrived at my dealer today August 17, that's exactly two weeks
- I have an appointment on August 28 to place the new rubbers (and the airco low pressure pipe and the door knob rubbers), earlier wasn't possible!