You missed the part about it being done by a qualified mechanic.So like I said total bunk. I also have it from the VP if Ineos that as long as We have receipts we can change our own oil. This notion that only the manufacturers can change your oil or service your vehicle is long over. It’s about proving it was done on time and with the correct parts.
I assume this also includes supervised by a qualified mechanic.
From memory you are a qualified mechanic I recall??
Also Canadian law may be different to Australian law.
So any manufacturer in Australia could potentially refuse your warranty if it wasn't done by at least a qualified mechanic.
Normally a manufacturer/assembler like Ineos will rely on a back to back warranty with their parts supplier.
So even if Ineos say go ahead anyone can do it they may not get the warranty from their parts supplier.
In Australia I am speaking of.
I spent 10 seconds looking at Canada and this is what I found.