This has turned into a bullshit political discussion with a bunch of people who don’t live in the US critiquing the American system of government and the policies that Americans voted for. If you think our electoral college system is the problem then you are in fact the problem.
I huge lot of us Americans who pay the bulk of the taxes are sick and fucking tired of supporting the world and then hearing about how terrible we are. At least we still have our God given freedoms… well at least those of us who don’t life in Kalifornia.
No doubt a bunch of you hate Trump and that is your right but this is a damn automotive forum and frankly I don’t want to come hear and read about your political views!.
As for the 25% tariff… it won’t last. It’s a negotiation,
Point A: our electoral college is archaic. It was designed because our founding fathers believed that majority of the voting population (white males) were to dumb to make a intelligent choice. Plus the system is set up as a all and nothing except in Nebraska and Maine. So a person could get 49% of the vote and receive 0 electoral votes. Seems f'up. Finally the electoral college number is fixed and will never change, the problem is it doesn't represent a 1 to 1 ratio. For example, According to 2023 population estimates, one electoral vote in Wyoming accounts for around 194,000 people, while a vote in Texas, Florida or California accounts for over 700,000. In reality Texas, Florida and California should get more weight in the decision making.
You have to admire other countries political systems where political groups is not divided into 2 regimes but several groups. Those several groups have to form a coalition to work together. Plus you can call a no confident vote when you feel someone is not following the will of the people.
We support the world because of our decisions to be the main focus of the world. Treaties and agreements were made and each of them put more power in the hands of the USA.
Taxes, we all pay taxes. Good chance if your a owner of a Grenadier, you are in a the upper bracket. We all pay a progressive tax so only a portion is taxed at 39%. My point is, we know how to reduce the tax burden. Close loopholes, make large business pay a fair share and spend less. 10% of the companies in S&P 500 paid no taxes last year. To be considered part of the S&P 500, you need to have a market cap of 15.8 billion or higher