Nah.. it’s poor engineering.
First of all, You cannot say the boot up performance in our grenadier is the ultimate in performance potential. They attempted to shorten the lead time to rear camera availability. Decided that they need to eagerly boot up the infotainment system. When doors are triggered.
Second of all, you can tell they did a hack job - When door opens/close triggers the infotainment, it also triggers the alert system - service reminder, fuel reminder, etc. There is literally no use case where opening my cargo door requires my car to alert me on upcoming oil change.
With more attention to detail, Ineos could have deferred the fuel. and service reminder to trigger when vehicle starts, not to trigger when door opens/shuts. They could have trivially buffered the fuel and service reminder events, and emit them upon vehicle startup. That would have been a much more elegant solution.
They very obviously took a shortcut. Sensible approaches were avoided to optimize for speed-to-market and reduced development cost.
Imagine you are camping and in the middle of the night you open the door to wee - guess what ? “BONG! Change your oil in 80 days!”