Of the multiple car forums I belong to I am really surprised at how negative and quick to throw INEOS under the bus owners are here. The choices INEOS made when it comes to the major components is really impressive. The customer service is actually better than most automotive startups, which is not great but at least with Red Noland it's way better than our local Mercedes and Alfa Romeo dealers.
If you think GM, Ford etc are better then go for it. Depending on what GM decides to do with their engine problem, you might even have a chance for a Class Action lawsuit and wait years before you get any compensation or fix.
The investigation covers vehicles produced between 2019 and 2024.
Me? I rather take my chances with a startup that is about moving forward and not just cutting losses...
my angst is 95% rooted in poor customer relationship management.
- lack of communication from Ineos to address customer issues. This sentiment is indirectly cemented when dealers also can not comprehend various issues. E.g. HVAC face vents blowing lukewarm air “its working as designed”
- in a vacuum of response, one can simple conclude Ineos dgaf, or is simply incompetent at resolving them. (Ineos can engineer a tsb for regluing door seal, but anything more complex, they can’t do) The negative sentiment snowballs.. it becomes a pastime to ridicule Ineos’ ineptitude
- while all of this non communicative sht is happening, Ineos is active on the marketing front. CEO talking about useless sht like her car preferences or the ethos of the company that sir Jim gave birth to. lol seriously no one gravitated to your products due to these no-names. You “baited” us with the product.. there appears to be a “switch”. Hopefully not. Stop the baiting efforts now.
- the marketing continues with superficial things like most cringe trim engineering - different color theme, different leather.. the desperation is sad
- meanwhile crickets from Ineos on issues.. customers are going mad with diy ideas like gluing speed signs in front of the camera and fighting the hvac that’s “working as designed”, so their kids don’t freeze
- then Lynn Calder casually mentions in a podcast interview, they will fix the Adas issue. Seriously!? The customer base who placed blind faith in your startup doesn’t deserve a response, but you will give one to the interviewer? There doesn’t seem to be any intentionality in their customer loyalty strategy.
- most people here are reasonable and can give Ineos some slack, it’s just that they have demonstrated zero good will, at this point. I would be happy to be proven wrong in the near future, if they demonstrate meaningful good will towards their customers
If they actively communicate with their small fleet of less than 20k owners, the situation would be entirely different