Yesterday, without reading your Path Finder manual, I tried to use it after reading the Ineos manual. A shame, the explanation is too basic.
Then I read your explanation "amazing"

This will save me a lot of learning time!
Ineos should copy it and pay you for that
By the way, I discovered some errors in the "reference links" at the end of your manual, in the last 4 ones.
4 times the word Ineos was lacking the last letter "s" (Ineo instead of Ineos), but the link itself was OK in 3 of them, but concerning our forum link, both the description and the embedded link lack the "s".
[EDITED]: I would suggest to remove this phrase at the beginning of the document: "
My apologies in advance to those who are further down this road of discovery and understanding who may find the document simplistic."
Nobody should find the document "simplistic"

, I knew a lot, but I learned quite some new things!