@DCPU Indeed - lowering quality - came to almost all products - not just vehicles. - But what I can see now - problems of rust, oil, visible exhaust or other smells are virtually no where, - prolonged service intervals. warranty is longer etc. But then equipment fails shortly after warranty and almost impossible to repair.
Ford is sometimes special in their construction, - so sometimes they develop vehicles or generation of vehicles that are really lasting and others are really a f*** up. My spouses first Focus Turnier was a piece of s**e - sometimes failed to start, - issues in electronics. etc. The current - a model later - now 7 years old is a top vehicle w/o issues.
Just services according to schedule in this case once a year.
@Max my dad had a contract as Peugeot and later Mitsubishi dealer in 1970 - 1980 .. my opinion on Peugeot as I experienced it. They re made for warmer countries. The diesels run like hell. - and lasting. The general quality was low. - had in the meantime a Peugeot as rental - still not impressing me. The biggest problem we experienced. almost all Peugeot engines were prone to failing head gaskets - mostly petrol ones Generally the Diesel were noisy - but almost unbreakable.
@Jean Mercier .. Mitsubishi Pajero the orginal one was from technical specs a lot like what IG is now. Ladder frame .. and some more real capabilities.
The diesel was also quite robust.. however the Pajero was probably built for Algeria and the desert.- Never seen a vehicle that was so prone to rusting.
On the later ones Mitsubishi moved to integral body and so much stability was lost. Its trailer pulling capability is still quite well. But it was one of the first vehicles that moved to life style .. the old one was continued as "Galloper" however..
The vehicle was initially the best selling product - and I know some areas were its offroad capability in the 80's outmatched the G Wagon. (Or was it the lack of drivers skills)
At least I remember a case were we were together, assisting a customer at that time to free a G Wagon that got stuck in mud. The owner of the Pajero mastered the mud and to pull the G wagon out. (at that time I was 16 and underage for possession of a car driving license. - just assisted in attaching ropes)
I think at that time there were many quite capable and robust offroaders available - need some more frequent maintenance perhaps . but these vehicle could be serviced and maintained. - Now the offroader almost disappeared, or replaced by pickup utility or life style vehicles (only mimics) ,
engines are due to regulations of exhaust are both more efficent, but stressed. More torque, more horsepower, less volume.. ( a landrover disco sport diesel bi turbo 2l Diesel has 240HP .. almost the same power as the IG BMW straight six - 3.0l 248 HP. So.. I will also shorten the service intervals and keep the vehicle well maintained)