Hi Sulley - welcome to the board. This topic has come up in a few different threads, but thank you for posting those screenshots. I'm not sure where you're located, but in New Jersey, it is illegal for car companies to sell direct to customers, and unfortunately, this is the case in a good number of states. The dealer lobbyist attack is awfully strong.
That said, we hope that Ineos can "influence" dealers to not charge markups, but it is out of their control. Many of us have talked about a group buy from an honest dealer and our willingness to travel to acquire an IG at list. I've had some bad experiences with local dealerships and their "market adjustment" BS and refuse to give them anything. I'd rather spend $5,000 to fly to Timbuktu to buy this truck for list, than give that $5,000 to the greedy dealer down the road.
Check this attachment out.
EDIT - Some states would allow direct sales under certain guidelines, but since IA wouldn't be able to do this everywhere, I'm guessing they decided to forgo direct sales all together.