Hi friends, I'm really screwed and I just wanted to let off some steam and get rid of some of the anxiety I have on top of me. Last Friday they called me from the INEOS dealership in my area to tell me that I had 5 pending campaigns and at the same time they had to do a software update. They made me an appointment for Monday 28th, I took the car to them and they told me it would take a couple of days (the dealership is about 20 km from home) until then everything was fine, but fate, bad luck, or the elves of destiny, have wanted there to be a Dana (Isolated Depression at Height) something similar to your hurricanes, which has devastated Valencia, nothing happened in my house, I live in a high area, but the ground zero of the disaster has been where the dealership is. To be more specific, after four days without any news and without being able to get close to the area (it is completely devastated), yesterday I was informed that the car cannot be accessed, but that the water level has reached four meters high. It could take several weeks, even months to clear the area and that is what is there. In order not to repeat the thread, I am leaving you a link to the Spanish-speaking forum where you can see the details.
Paco Garcia
Local Area Thread - Me he quedado sin el coche , Destino, mala Suerte o simplemente tenia que pasar,
Hola amigos, alguno de vosotros ya conocíais la situación, pero hasta ayer por la tarde no sabia nada oficialmente, llevo un mal año de palo tras palo, alguno de ellos terrible, y esto es la guinda del pastel, como muchos sabéis el levante español ha sufrió una devastadora Dana, las imágenes...

Paco Garcia